Prince Camden held the saddle handle with one hand and mine with his other, stretching over Marco's side, exposed to the harpies' attacks. If he got hit, we would both die.

"Marco, flip to your side!"

The dragon did without hesitation. Instead of being stretched off the side, the prince was draped over his shoulder, while I dangled between Marco's legs. He wrapped a claw around my waist.

"Let me go, Camden!"

"Are you insane!?"

"Marco's got me. Let me go now! Behind you!"

He released me into Marco's grasp, whirling for the harpy diving for him-

An arrow struck the harpy's chest. It went barreling down to the valley floor.

Giles let out a hoot on the back of Brady, excited his shot landed home. The rest of my brothers and their dragons blasted through the harpies surrounding us. Elesor wasn't too far behind them, tackling a harpy in the air and ripping it apart with her teeth.

While the harpies were quickly dispatched, I climbed up Marco's leg and settled into the saddle behind Prince Camden. I exhaled a relieved, haggard breath. "Welcome to the Randala Territory," I said to him, watching my brothers and their dragons easily finish off the remainder of the harpies. Elesor came to our side, tucking under Marco's wing to rub against him. The big dragon purred and tilted towards her.

Prince Camden craned his neck to look at me over his shoulder. "That was quite the welcoming. Are you okay?"

I waved off my injuries, though Dad was sure not going to be happy to see the six puncture wounds in my shoulders. "I'm fine. This is nothing." I only said it to downplay it. They throbbed angrily and I felt the blood seep through my clothes and dribble down my chest.

"Kal!" Casper called from above. "You guys all right?"

"Just dandy, Cas, thanks for the backup!"

"You're an idiot!" Kaden hollered at me from the right. "What are you thinking, flying at night--with a newbie, no less? I hope Da rings your neck!"

"She's a badass!" Giles cheered. "What do you expect? Gotta show off for the prince, right, Kal? Slick moves with that harpy, by the way." I didn't know which time he was referring to, but I beamed nevertheless. Anything that impressed my brothers was high praise.

"You're all mad," Prince Camden muttered so only I could hear him. "We could have died."

"Yeah, but we didn't," I said cheerily. "Welcome to the Randala Valley."

The flight home was filled with my brothers ′ gleeful cheers. They rode the high from the fight all the way back to Plum, hooting, shouting--the works. It was like they wanted another batch of harpies to attack us. They wouldn't, not with this large group--but harpies weren't the only creatures out here at night.

We made it Plum in one piece. From above, I watched as half of the village gathered around my house while the other half was stoking the bonfire in the field for the ritual tonight.

I groaned, forgetting all about the ceremony. I so wasn't in the mood for partying anymore. Curling up in bed or in Elesor's embrace was all I had the energy for.

Marco landed with a tired grunt in my backyard. Moaning, I slipped off Marco's back. I would have fallen on my face if Dad hadn't caught me. I groaned in protest when he gripped my shoulder; he scowled at me and ordered me to take off my jacket, despite the night chill.

Prince Camden hopped off Marco's back and stared at the log house then gazed around the large yard--his home for as long as he needed. It wasn't much to look at in the torchlight, so I wasn't surprised to see his dubious gaze; he would change his mind once the sun cast its light over the village.

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