chapter 39: Weirder and weirder.

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Cc practically ran inside when the car stopped in front of the house. I didn't see Bennett's mom's car, but her phone number wasn't in my contacts, so I just decided to play off it. Bennett's step dad grabbed the sleds, motioning me to follow him.
"C'mon, I've got your shovel in the garage." I shivered and followed him into their garage. It was filled with just about every tool you could think of. There were saws and wrenches and hammers and so on. He set the sleds on top of a shelf and handed me the shovel.
"Here, I'm going to check the mousse, why don't you go put that in your garage?" I smiled politely and nodded. He returned the smile and walked out into the snow. I sighed and started towards my garage. Although I felt like I was pushing my luck by staying for an extended period of time, I had to remind myself of something; he hadn't proved to be untrustworthy to me yet. The only reason I was overly cautious around him was because of what Bennett told me. But the guy himself hadn't tried to kill me or anything yet, so why was I acting so afraid? I settled on survival instinct and shrugged off my fears. 'If worse comes to worse, I have my phone,' I told myself. Dad walked in the garage to greet me with big open arms.
"How's my beautiful girl?" I smiled and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Hi dad." He hugged me for a minute, then pulled away with a worried expression.
"Why were you at the hospital last night?" I sighed.
"Its a long story, daddy."
"Well, let's hear it. I have time for you, sweet pea." I smiled and rubbed his shoulders.
"I need to go over to Bennett's house. His little sister cc and his step dad are waiting for me." He smiled gently and nodded.
"I understand, but tell me later, deal?"
"Deal, love you." I kissed his rough cheek and went back over to Bennett's house. After I walked in the door, I heard Bennett's step dad say,
"Success! It's done!" I walked into the kitchen and sat next to cc at the counter. She smiled and handed me a plate with a perfectly molded mousse on it. I smiled and nodded.
"Wow, I didn't think that they'd turn out so nice." He frowned and put a hand to his chest.
"I'm offended, Sarah. Have more faith." I smiled and took a bite of the mousse. I chewed it slowly, savoring the taste. He leaned on his elbows over his plate and asked,
"Well? How does it taste?"
"Refreshing." I replied, eating more. He nodded and ate some of his. Cc told me all about her friends at school and what she got for Christmas. Her face seemed to be getting brighter with each second. Her stepfather's, however, became more and more annoyed.
"And then Jessica gave me a card with 5 whole dollars in it and-"
"Cc!" He interrupted. She stopped mid sentence and looked down at her plate.
"Yes daddy?" He sighed and smiled.
"Are you finished eating?" She nodded meekly. He nodded.
"Ok, then. Why don't you go clean your room like I asked you to yesterday?" She looked at me and nodded again.
"K." She disappeared up the stairs. He sighed.
"Oh, cc. She could talk for hours if no one stopped her." I shrugged, still looking at the stairs.
"Maybe that's not a bad thing." He looked at me, then he laughed and said,
"I guess not. She'll never run out of conversation starters." I nodded and looked down at my mousse. I poked it with my fork. He frowned and asked,
"What's wrong?" I looked up and smiled.
"I know that face, Sarah. My wife makes it all the time when somethings bugging her, what is it?" I shook my head and replied,
"No, I promise, nothings wrong." I was praying that Bennett and his mom would hurry up and get here. He smirked and got up, still staring at me.
"Sarah," he walked behind me and set his hands gently on my shoulders, rubbing them. "Tell me what's troubling you." My head and my heart told me to bolt out the door, but my body wouldn't respond to them. It was frozen in place. I was shuddering on the inside. Apparently I was shuddering on the outside too, because he chuckled a little.
"You're shaking, something is definitely wrong." I nervously laughed and said,
"I-I guess I'm just wondering when your wife will be home." He used his right hand to sweep the hair off of my neck and he set it on my other shoulder. He slipped his hands so that they now rested on the outside of my arms and leaned his head next to my ear. He inhaled and asked,
"What's it matter where she is?" He turned slightly so his nose was pretty much in my hair. He smelled my hair, inhaling deeply and smiling. I frowned and tensed up.
"What are you doing?" He brought his left hand up so it held my chin up.
"I was just imagining a string of barbed wire, around that beautiful neck." He placed a gentle kiss on my neck. I, after almost being raped twice in one year, brought my elbow down as hard as I could onto his stomach and got up, running to the corner and facing him. I spun around and said firmly,
"Leave me alone." He smiled and held his hands up in mock surrender.
"Can I ask you some questions?" I didn't respond. I just watched him with my best caution. He smiled and set his hands gently on the counter.
"Do you believe in God?" He got out some wine from the fridge and poured some into a glass. I frowned.
"I...guess?" He kept his eyes on me while he drank from the glass. After he swallowed, he looked into the glass, swishing the liquid around.
"Tasty. Would you care for a glass?" I shook my head. He took a small step towards the edge of the counter.
"Then you must believe in the devil?" I looked down at the ground and shrugged.
"I suppose." He nodded and took another drink. Again, after that drink, he swished it around.
"Are you sure you don't want any? It is quite good." I nodded.
"I don't drink." He shrugged,
"Suit yourself," then, he asked me a frightening question; "are you still a virgin, Sarah?" I looked at him wide eyed.
"Excuse me?" He smiled.
"There's no need to be embarrassed, Sarah. Plenty of people prefer to wait." I shook my head,
"That is a very inappropriate question, Mr. Webber." He sighed and set the glass aside.
"Sarah, if I cared about what was appropriate, I wouldn't have kissed your neck."
"I'm still not comfortable-"
"Sarah, please, just answered the question. Are you still a virgin?" I clenched my teeth shut and looked out the window. After a minute with no response, he chuckled a little.
"Well, I guess I'll take that as a yes."
"No shit, Sherlock." I replied. He tilted his head slightly.
"Now, Sarah. Good girls don't swear." I looked him dead in the eye.
"Good girl stops when you kiss my neck." He smiled back with evil in his eye.
"I guess so. So, bad girl Sarah, why don't you take a little drive with me, oh, and give me your phone, while your at it." I crossed my arms.
"Now why would I ever do a thing like that?" He walked out from the other side of the counter towards me. With no where else to go, I went to the window, where people might see me. But, sadly, he knew exactly how to play it off. The window was in a corner, so I couldn't back out. He quickened his steps and smashed himself into me, crashing our lips together. I squealed and tried pushing him away, but he pulled me closer to him by wrapping his hands around my waist. He then picked me up off the ground slightly and spun away from the window twice, still kissing me. On the inside of the house, you could tell it was a struggle. But from the outside, it looked like we were intensely making out and moving to the couch. Once we were out of sight from the window, he set me down, clasped a hand around my neck, and pulled his lips gently off mine. I tried getting the hand off my neck, but it was no use. He put his head next to my ear and whispered,
"If you have any regard for cc or her faggot brother, you'll get in the car. And you'll make it look convincing." He let go of my neck and went to the coat rack, grabbing his coat and slipping it on. I didn't have any other options, but I wasn't a complete moron either. I hit the speed dial button on Cassandra's number before he spotted the phone and took it away. He smirked and put it in his back pocket.
"C'mon, get your coat on and get in the car." I sighed and put my coat on. As I walked out in front of him, I looked over at my house. Cassandra peered through the curtains at me, concern in her eyes. I just nodded at her. He grabbed my arm and speed walked me to the car.
"No more subtle signals, buckle up." He practically threw me in the car and slammed the door. I sighed and pulled the seatbelt across my chest. He hopped in next to me and sighed. He started the car and drove down the road. I looked out the window and huffed to myself.
"Well, where are you taking me?" He smiled.
"Somewhere safe, don't worry." We pulled up to a stoplight. An elderly woman with a cane stood, waiting for the walk signal. I went to open the window and call for help, but he clicked the lock button, creating the unpleasent sound of it working. He smiled.
"Tsk tsk tsk, Sarah. You should know better than that by now." I crossed my arms and fell back against the seat. He smirked at my reaction and stated,
"Don't worry I'll take good care of you." Then, he turned slightly to me, looking down at my legs. He slipped a hand onto my upper thigh.
"Really good care." He gave a slight squeeze. I squirmed and swatted his hand away.
"Don't touch me." He chuckled and started driving again. At the next stoplight, we were right next to the yoga center. I saw Lucy walking out. I started frantically waving. She looked at me with wide eyes. I mouthed, 'help me.' Before she had time to react, I heard the tires screech and we sped off on a road heading out of town. I jolted back when I felt the back of his hand connect with my cheek, creating a loud smack! My hand fled to my face and I heard him say,
"Do that again and I'll kill you." I didn't say anything. I looked behind to see if anyone was following. No one. We pulled into an old park on the outskirts of town. He unbuckled and said,
"Come on, get out." I took a second and stared at him. He looked at me and leaned forward.
"Sarah, get. Out. Now." I quickly unbuckled and fled out the door, trying to run away. I heard his snow boots against the snow and gravel, gaining on me. I ran with everything inside of me, but it wasn't enough. He gained onto me with little effort and tackled me to the ground like a football player. I landed with a big thud. I tried to shove him off of me, but he quickly straddled my waist and sighed.
"I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice." He balled his hand into a fist and punched me three times. The third one made me fall into a deep pit of darkness.


Enjoy the next one, bye! :)

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