Chapter 17: Audition.

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I decided to be creative about waking Dina up the next morning. I walked down the stairs and took a container of honey from the pantry and went to Dina's sleeping body. She rolled onto her side and was now facing the closet doors. I tried not to giggle as I dripped it on her hair while she slept. When she sat up, I went running around the corner and shielded myself from her wrath. She sprang out of bed and walked angrily down the hall, looking for my hiding place.
"Sarah, get out here and face me like a man!" I giggled and kept silent. She stomped over to my dad's bedroom and started looking through the closet. When she found me tucked under the bed, she pulled me out and started hitting me. I curled in the fetal position and screamed,
"Don't kill me!!!"
"You should've thought twice before pouring honey in my hair!" She screeched, hitting me more. I whimpered until she was done hitting me. "Go make me some food while I shower!" I nodded and walked down the stairs. By the time I'd finished making pancakes, Dina was only about halfway finished with her shower, so I decided to practice for the talent show. It started as kind of a mumble, but I eventually got the feel for the song and started jamming out. I flipped my ponytail all over as I used the spatula as a fake microphone and pointed at random objects. Dina came down in her clothes for the day and smelled like a rose bush exploded in her hair. She twirled and sat on the counter.
"What kind did ya make me?"
"Shitberry, made fresh." I smirked. She punched me and took her pancake, which had strawberries in it. She chewed them, looked at me, and groaned.
"You seriously need to teach me your skills!"
"Skills? What skills?! I don't have skills." I said, giggling. She rolled her eyes and set her finished plate in the sink. We both got ready and started walking to the school. The wind had picked up a bit, but the snow wasn't falling on us, only blowing along the streets in slivers. Dina bumped into me on our walk.
" a date for prom yet?"
"Wow, they should call you Miss. Subtle." I smirked. She rolled her eyes and said,
"You know what I mean."
"I do. I can speak English, therefore I can understand what you are saying," I said, walking a little faster. She walked right next to me and playfully pushed me.
"Oh, stop with the sarcasm for a minute, please? Have you been asked?" She asked, hope in her eyes. I sighed and shook my head.
"No, I've yet to have a knight in shining armor carry me off on his noble steed." She rolled her eyes.
"Ok, so, Kendra and Hannah and I have been talking..."
"As you do every day," I said, not wanting her to continue. She punched my arm.
"It's not polite to inturrupt."
"How rude of me, please continue."
"Well, we've decided what we're doing about you and a prom date."
"What?" I asked tentavly, almost afraid of her answer. She smiled deviously and said,
"You have until St. Patricks day to find a date, or else we'll choose for you." She smiled even wider.
"What!? You can't force me-" but a horn honked. We spun around on our heels to see Bennett pull alongside us. He rolled down the window and smiled.
"Still need a ride, book theif?" Dina frowned and turned to me.
"Book theif?"
"It's a long story." I said, blushing and face palming myself. Dina smiled and whispered,
"Looks like you'll have a date after all."
"Shut up!" I giggled and punched her. We both got in his car and started off. Dina flipped some hair from her face and said,
"I can't come to your audition today, Sarah, I'm sorry."
"It's ok. I find it hard to concentrate when people stare at me anyways." Bennett smirked and said,
"Oh, really?" He stared at me for a few moments. I pushed his shoulder lightly and rolled my eyes.
"Eyes on the road, doofus." He sat back and pulled up to the school. A squirrel sprinted to the middle of the road and stared at the car. I covered my eyes awhile Dina screamed,
"RUN, SQUIRREL, RUN!!!" It looked up, sniffed its wet nose a few times, and ran off just in time to miss the car. I sighed in relief. We pulled up to the school and started walking away to our class, but Bennett stopped me.
"Since I'm going to your audition, you should go to mine."
"No, you can handle it without me there, you're a big boy." He flipped some bangs out of his face and feigned surprise.
"I am not that big of a boy!" I rolled my eyes and pushed him a little.
"I'm not going to your audition. Bye now,"
"Wait!" He started. I turned to face him and sighed.
"Yes?" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked around. Several girls from the school news paper watched us, but they were the only ones in the parking lot, and were easily deterred with gossip.
" dad's taking me to see my grandparents next weekend, and I...well, cc and I, were wondering if...I don't know, if you'd...maybe want to come? I-I mean, you don't really have to-"
"Bennett?" I said, cutting him off. His eyes were hopeful and he smiled.
"Stop talking, I'll go right after Jane's appointment, ok?" His face lit up and he nodded.
"Yeah, sounds good. Bye for now!"
"By Bennett," I waved as he disappeared into the building. I walked inside just in time to be greeted by Kendra in her blue skinny jeans and white sweatshirt. She jumped up and down and shook my arm.
"I am so excited to see you sing!" Then it hit me; shit. My eyes widened and I tried to say something, but she was already pulling me toward her locker, changing the conversation.

A flashlight in the shadows.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora