chapter 29: Forever 21?

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All I could see was blood. Blood and tape. My arms wouldn't work and I felt like screaming my lungs out.
The next thing I know, Bennett was sitting over me, shaking me.
"Sarah!" He shouted over my cries for help.
"Sarah, wake up!" I sat up to see that I was in my bed, a cold sweat coated me. My chest hitched and I felt hot tears sliding down my cheeks. I sniffled and breathed. Bennett was still holding my arm.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Yeah, I think so." I said in small breaths. He nodded and patted my leg.
"Its ok, book thief, breath." I giggled a little and started to breathe normal again. I noticed that it was still dark outside.
"What time is it?"
"2:36." He replied tiredly. I frowned.
"In the morning?!" He rolled his eyes.
"No, in the afternoon." Everyone's a critic. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. He laughed a little.
"Well, I guess I should go back downstairs." He got up to leave. I shook my head rapidly and said,
"No!" He turned around, raising an eyebrow.
"What?" I stammered,
"I-I'm still scared." He smirked and turned to face me.
"Would you like me to stay?" I smiled and nodded.
"Yes, I would." He sighed and laid down next to me. I turned to face the window on my side and pulled the covers over my shoulder. He settled in facing my back. We were silent for about twelve minutes. Just when I thought he was asleep, he whispered,
"Sarah?" I smiled to myself and said,
"Can I put my arm here?" He asked, snaking it around my stomach and pulling me closer to him. I tried to steady my breathing as I answered,
"Yes." We were submerged in silence once again. Then, all of a sudden, he dug his fingers into my sides and moved them up and down. I laughed and squirmed around my bed.
"Bennett! Stop-now!" I exclaimed through my laughter. He laughed and shook his head.
"Not until you say uncle!" He exclaimed, sitting up a little. I shook my head.
"Never!" He smirked and straddled my waist, digging his fingers in my sides even more.
"Say it!" I laughed some more and shook my head.
"No!" I pushed on his chest, but he only pulled me up more and continued tickling me.
"Say it or else!"
"Ok, ok, fine! Uncle!" I exclaimed. He laughed in victory and sat besides me, laughing. My face was red and my sides ached, but I was still laughing. Just then, my door flung open and my dad yelled,
"I'll save you Sarah!!!" He started throwing shoes blindly at Bennett. He dodged them and held his hands up,
"Its ok Mr. Appleton, it's Bennett!"
"Bennett?" He asked, tired and confused. He nodded.
"Yes, I fell asleep here, and Sarah decided that I could stay. I'm sorry we woke you up, I just started tickling her." He explained. Dad frowned at me and said,
"He fell asleep in here with you?" I shook my head quickly.
"No, downstairs. I had a nightmare and he came up to see if I was ok." I bit my lip and looked down. He looked from me to him and sighed.
"Well, sorry I started throwing shoes. You're welcome to stay the night." He wobbled out of the room and down the hall. I sighed and flipped hair from my face.
"Ok, time for bed." He nodded in agreement and we laid down in the same position as before. I stiffened when he wrapped his arm around me again, but he just whispered,
"Its ok, relax." He pulled me against him and nestled his head into my hair. I sighed and laid down.
"Goodnight Bennett."
"Goodnight book thief." He yawned.
Love me like you do started playing early in the morning. I groaned and tried to move, but Bennett's arm was wrapped in a death grip around me. His arm that had started around my stomach ended up reaching across my chest and resting on my shoulder. I wiggled far enough to reach the phone and answered.
"Yes Kendra?"
"Wanted to make sure you're still coming over for secret Santa tonight?" She asked with cheeriness. I sat up and almost slapped myself. Kendra's parents were always away from the house doing business and things. They weren't always around for Christmas, so we always had secret Santa with her, so she wouldn't have to be alone. The problem was, I forgot to get my secret santa. Last year I chose Kendra, and I decided to do Dina this year. I nodded into the phone,
"Yeah, I'll be there, 6:30, as usual?"
"Yup, see ya then."
"Bye!" I hung up and sighed into my hand. Bennett remained lying down, but he sent a hand on my leg.
"What's up?"
"I forgot Dina's secret Santa present." I replied. He brushed my knee with his thumb.
"Should I drive you?" I sighed again and shook my head.
"No, Isaacs been wanting to spend time together, and besides, you probably want to visit your mom, right?" He sighed when I said Isaac,but nodded and sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"Yeah. Call me if you need anything."
"K, if you want to take a shower go ahead." He smiled and asked,
"Youd like that, wouldn't you" I rolled my eyes and scoffed.
"Fine, be stinky." He laughed and grabbed his new green sweatshirt.
"Ok, I'll be right out." He said, walking in the bathroom and shutting the door. I sighed and picked out my clothes for the day. I slipped on a green tank top with a blue button up shirt and blue skinny jeans with black and white tomms. After I had dressed, I sat on my bed, waiting for him to get out so I could do my hair. All of a sudden, I heard him yell,
"Ahh, shit!" I frowned and called,
"Are you ok?"
"I got soap in my eyes and I can't find the stupid towel!" I looked around, unsure of what to do.
"I'll bring you one."
"No!" He shouted through the door.
"Because I'm naked!?!" He shouted. I giggled to myself and sighed.
"I won't look, I'll...tie something over my eyes." I grabbed a red bandana and tied it ninja style over my eyes, knocking on the door.
"I'm coming in, I can't see anything."
"No, seriously-" but I already opened the door and was feeling around with the towel I had.
"K, where are you?" I heard him sigh, then he said,
"I'm by the shower." I nodded and walked towards the direction I thought the shower was in. I held out the towel.
"Can you see the towel?"
"No, my eyes are on fire." I giggled and threw it towards his voice. I heard it hit the floor.
"Shit, do you have it?"
"Yeah, I got it." He sighed in relief. I stood akwardly for a moment.
"How do I get out now?" He laughed and said,
"Walk about four paces directly behind you."
"Shut the door on your way out." He said. I giggled and walked out, making sure to close the door. I slipped the bandana off my eyes and waited once again for the hairbrush. He came out about five minutes later, wearing the green sweatshirt from yesterday and some black skinny jeans. I grabbed the brush and put my hair in a ponytail. We walked down the stars together and I sighed.
"Well, thanks for Christmas shopping with me." He laughed.
"Thanks for getting me a towel for my eyes." I giggled and nodded.
"You're welcome." He sighed and looked out our living room window at his house. I tapped his shoulder,
"Hey, don't forget to call me if anything happens, ok?" He smiled and nodded.
"Thanks, book thief." I smiled as he left the house. When the door shut, I picked up my phone and dialed Isaacs number. He picked up on the third ring,
"Hello?" He yawned into the phone. I frowned and smiled.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" I heard some rustling on the other end, followed by,
"What's up?"
"Uh, I wanted to know if you were busy today?"
"I'm never too busy for you." He said, smiling, I'm sure. I giggled into the phone,
"Um, well, would you mind driving me to town so I can shop for a gift?"
"Sure, I'll be there soon." He hung up. I rolled my eyes and sat at the couch, flipping open pet semetary by Steven king.
'I sat in front of my current hopeless case. There's absolutely no way this man will pull through...' My phone started playing , 'You're never fully dressed without a smile,' from Annie. I picked up,
"Articulate?" Dina sighed into the phone.
"Hi, I wanted to tell you that if you got me anything, I'd love this really cute dress at forever 21. It's yellow with green flowers all over it. Bye!" She hung up. I giggled into the phone and set it down. Isaac pulled In the driveway and honked. I went out to the car and hopped in. He was dressed in a red sweater with a black coat over it and black jeans. His hair was neatly combed. I smiled as I sat in the passenger seat.
"What's up?"
"Not much, it's a slow day." We pulled out and made our way to the mall.
"So, are you excited for Christmas?" He asked me. I smiled and shrugged.
"Yeah, I guess. Why?" He smiled and took the turn into the parking lot.
"I got you a gift." My heart made a thudding sound in my chest.
"I didn't get you anything."
"It's ok,all I need is you." He smiled sweetly at me. I frowned and giggled.
"Thats a little creepy, Isaac." He rolled his eyes and we headed inside.
"Ok, where to?" He asked, holding the door open for me. I looked around.
"Forever 21?"
"I think it's that way," he said, walking in the other direction. We passed by a pretzel shop on the way over. Isaac turned to me and asked,
"Are you hungry?" I bit the inside of my cheeks and nodded.
"Starving." He chuckled and bought me a hot pretzel. I smiled as I ate some of the warm saltiness.
"Thank you," I said, laying my head on his shoulder. He patted my head and replied,
"You're welcome, forever 21's over there." He pointed to the shop about fifteen yards in front of us. I smiled and dragged him to the girls section. I looked around for the flowered dress she talked about. Isaac picked up a short purple dress and smiled.
"This would look good on you."
"No thanks, Bennett took me shopping yesterday." His face fell a little and he frowned,
"Whyd he take you shopping?" I looked up at him and shrugged.
"Because I asked him to?" He took a few steps closer and sighed.
"Why didn't you call me?" I shrugged again,
"I don't know, why're you so concerned?"
"Because I'm your boyfriend, and I don't like you hanging around other guys without me knowing." He stated, looking a little defensive. I crossed my arms and scoffed,
"I already have a dad, I don't need another one."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He said in a loud and irritated voice. I clenched my teeth and stepped slowly back,
"It means that maybe you should trust me more."
"Well, if you weren't hanging around with other guys-"
"What other guys?! Bennett's the only other guy I talk to besides you and my dad!" His face looked angry now.
"Stop hanging out with Bennett, I forbid you." This shocked me, and I frowned at him.
"I'm sorry, you what? You forbid me to-"
"Excuse me," a lady in the forever 21 uniform interrupted, "I have to ask you to either settle down or take this outside." I sighed and turned back to Isaac. He spun his head back at me, still infuriated. I shook my head and sighed.
"You know what, maybe we need some space."
"Are you-"
"Yes, I am." I said, turning away. He walked after me,
"No wait," he touched my shoulder roughly. I spun around and threw the pretzel thing in his face.
"And take this back, I'm not hungry." I walked out into the sea of people and called Hannah.


Hope it was awesome, enjoy the next one, bye! ;3

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