Chapter Sixty-eight: the third secret

Start from the beginning

   I didn't know why I felt that way but it sure made me feel nervous and concerned. I didn't have to. I was only Frost's sister by name, a replacement for the twin he loves dearly. Maybe I was feeling sympathy for the dead girl or maybe I was also a bit jealous hearing about how Frost loves and cares about her more than he loves me. It was unbecoming of me.

   "Anyways, I got over my feelings for him but I have to admit that I don't think I can ever love anyone more than I love Frost. Loving and taking care of Frost is something that I drilled into me from the moment I met him, like a strong sense of duty and command. I'm afraid that I won't be able to give you the same love I gave him," you'll think I'd feel terrible at this point because of what he said but all I was concerned with was how he'd been jealous of seeing me with Frost not because of me but because he actually liked Frost. His jealousy was against me, not for me. How humiliating.

   "Is that why you don't like seeing Frost and me together?" I asked with a sneer. Why aren't I angry? Why do I feel unconcerned about this when I almost lost it because of Prince Nicolas? Why?

   "At first, I was jealous that my first love was going to snatch my mate. Like the fucking prick already broke my heart and has his own woman, why does he keep approaching mine?!" He barked suddenly, letting out the bottled-up frustration he must have felt. "You are my mate but you were all over him and he kept throwing himself at you. The bastard was very clingy and wouldn't let you go, as if he was taunting me. Then I learned why it was like that. In truth, the number one person in his life had returned and I was pushed to number two. It was frustrating. Then you went ahead to make Raf number two and pushed me to number three. That was brutal!"

   "I'm pretty sure his parents hold a higher position," I thought but I didn't say that aloud and continued to quietly watch him rant about how unfair it was for him and how much he had endured for Frost's sake. I always wondered how Faelly felt seeing Frost and me together. If she doesn't get jealous and feels like ripping me to shreds. I thought it was stupid but I was starting to see that it was not. She trusted both Frost and me, and I did the same too. Well, obviously not Lynn. I don't trust Lynn, I trust Frost. Who in their right mind will choose to trust the guy who confessed his undying love for his best friend?

So this is how it feels to trust someone?


«Wynter, do you mind this?»

«When have I ever minded anything that has to do with Frost?»

   "It's okay, Lynn, I don't mind. You can love him more than me if you wish, as long as it's him. You just have to make protecting him your life goal and I'll let this slide. Eventually, you'll grow to love me more or not," I shrugged. Why? Why did I feel this way toward Frost? Why does he feel like the sole purpose of my existence? Why does he matter to me more than anyone else? Why? "To be honest, Lynn, I believe that Frost is second to none in my heart even if I can't seem to pinpoint why." It was there at the surface of my mind but I couldn't pinpoint it, almost as if I'm locked out.

   "But that's not it, Krystal. I figured out why I feel this way towards him… no, my wolf has been trying to throw the truth in my face. I was never in love with Frost, or maybe I was, but it has something to do with his intense bond with his sister. Frost and his sister share a soul bond so the power of the mate bond reached me sooner than it reached her. My wolf says that I love Frost, yes, but I misplaced the owner of the romantic love in my heart. That is what he said but I refuse to accept that the love I've been feeling for a long time was nothing but a misplaced delusion." And once again he was making sense but I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. Mate bond with Frost's sister? But I'm his mate. If he had a bond with his sister then does that mean…

   I groaned, falling my face into my palms as a sudden dizziness overtook me. My head throbbed violently and it felt as if my skull was going to crack open. The pain continued to increase, forcing me to fall back on the bed, whimpering with pain and wheezing for air. "Oh fuck! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have talked about it!" I could hear someone screaming from the background. It suddenly felt as though my mind plunged into darkness for hours and then the pain stopped.

   I opened my eyes with a small moan. Merlynn's secrets echoed in my head all the way to…to… Merlynn hugged me and relentlessly promised he would try his best to love me more and then took the initiative to kiss me. I responded to the kiss but passed out because of the heat. How embarrassing.

   "Goddess, you're awake!" I turned my head to the side with a small groan. Lynn was still shirtless. He sat on the bed, resting his back against the headboard and placing his hand on my forehead. There was a towel on my head. "You passed out, twenty minutes now."

   "Oh," I wanted to say, but I couldn't find my voice. He smiled wearily, almost cryptically, and brushed his knuckles on my cheek. "You'll be fine, just rest a bit," why does it feel like I'm missing something?

   "Do you remember what happened?" I nodded. Lynn visibly stiffened and an expression of worry crossed his face.

   "I'm sorry I passed out after the kiss. My body must not be used to the heat," I apologized through our mind link. His face morphed into one of relief and his body relaxed. "Did you think you hurt me or something? You look tense," he tore his gaze away from me and stretched his legs. I followed the way his legs stretched and saw something I wasn't supposed to see in my present condition. Lynn was badly aroused.

   My cheeks heated but I couldn't tear my gaze away. His cock was rigid and angry and it made me guess what it was that I was missing. Maybe we did more than kiss and I left him in that condition. He still hasn't been able to calm down. I kept staring at it intensely, different thoughts running through my mind. And no, I wasn't thinking about something logical, I was thinking about how to get that between my legs. My inside was boiling and with every second, my sex was dampening.

   Lynn's dick got harder and his body became tense. He could smell me and he'd be foolish if he wasn't aware of my stare. I stretched my hand out to hold him, but he caught my hand and stopped me. "You're unwell, we shouldn't do this,"

   I lifted my gaze to his face, smiled sweetly, and said through the mind link. "Are you going to be a gentleman and turn down an opportunity to finally shove that thing into me?" He gulped loudly, losing his will too easily. I giggled and pulled on him a bit, causing him to throw his head back and moan. "Then, Alpha Merlynn Hubris, I give you permission to do whatever you want with my body."

And she's blocked out again!

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