Chapter 24 - Monsters Within

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"Bea, What is this?" Damon asks past me, alarmed at the pure volume of people coming out of nowhere and surrounding them.

I watch as my past-self shrugs nonchalantly at Damon's question. Her carefree attitude makes me feel nostalgic for a time that wasn't even mine.

"It's just a little party I threw," past me says with a smirk. "I needed to blow off some steam, you know how it is."

Damon looks around at the gathering crowd with a mixture of concern and annoyance. "This is dangerous, Bea. You can't control all of these people."

"I don't need to control them," past me says with a laugh, "They all came here of their free will. Well, mostly."

It was clear that my past self was living in the moment, not thinking about the consequences of her actions.

I look between each person and I become very uneasy about this as none of the people look like they are here to party.

From that I knew that this was the beginning of the end for her. The moment when everything started to spiral out of control.

I take a deep breath, trying to ground myself as I witness my own downfall.

The crowd around her starts to move and become chaotic as if a spell had been lift from them.

Soon fights break out between everyone but none aiming to kill each other while past-me seems excited by it all.

I watch as my past-self jumps into the fray, throwing punches and kicks at anyone who came near her. She was fearless, wild and completely reckless. I can't help but admire her spirit, but I also know what's to come.

Soon every person in the crowd stops fighting each other and realizes that I am the reason they are here, turning their need to fight on past me which seems to worry Damon but only because of how many there was.

I watch the crowd converge on my past self as Damon tries to intervene, but he is quickly overpowered by the sheer number of people.

Past me sees this and it seems to upset her. I watch her but as I do i feel my magic coming alive in my vein, feeling it flow like molten lava through me but it wasn't be activating the magic.

I quickly look back at past me as she draws on the magic, she as she mutters something before releasing it in a powerful blast, knocking everyone back and creating a massive shockwave that shakes the entire ground.

I feel the heat from the blast and my heart races as I watch the destruction unfold in front of me. In that moment, I realize that my past-self had no control over her powers and exactly what memory this was.

It was the one where Damon had seen what I could do and handed me over to the New Orleans witches.

As the dust settles, I see that everyone is lying on the ground, most are dead while some vampires are still writhing in pain but death would soon find them.

I look over at Damon and see that he is untouched but as he removes his arms from around his head and looks around him, he realizes what has just happened and looks at past me with a mix of fear and horror.

I look back over and past-me, watching as she sways on her feet. She turns her head and i can see her purple glowing eyes that she doesn't know how to turn off.

It was a mistake for her to use so much power in one spell without thinking there would  consequences. I step forward but stop as past-me starts to fall to the ground from purely overwhelmed by the magic  in her but before she can, Damon vamps over to her and catches her.

I watch as Damon cradles past-me in his arms, her eyes still glowing purple as she looks up at him. I can see the fear and confusion in her eyes, and I know that she has no idea what is happening to her.

The Enchantress² | N + E MikaelsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu