One || Isa

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"I love you Shua" Jeonghan confessed looking directly at Joshua who seems to be shocked and flustered from the confession.

"I-" Joshua stopped and took a deep breath to calm his excited heart down.

"I love you too Jeonghan" Joshua smiled making Jeonghan immediately kiss him forming a soft and gentle kiss with of course Joshua kissing back.

"So we're boyfriends now?" Joshua asked.

"Mhm" Jeonghan said blushing and happy as he hugged and leaned his head on Joshua's shoulder.

"You're so cute Han.." Joshua hugged back and patted Jeonghan's head.

"But you know we got to keep this a secret Han, We have our reputations it's risky especially for you you're a varsity here, this'll be Our little sercret hmm? " Joshua claimed.

"I know.. But atleast you're already mine so im fine with it and we're gonna graduate soon anyways we can reveal it there and sure" Jeonghan smiled and look at Joshua making Joshua smile back and peck Jeonghan's nose.

And that's were their little secret started out


It's a normal friday morning in the university and of course no suprise Joshua who just arrived in the university and on his way to the music room to practice with his electric guitar on his back is being sorrounded by some students who has a crush on him almost like an celebrity [but not too many just many students]. Joshua just greeted them with a smile and a slight bow making the others scream in flustereness and Joshua slowly scootched his way on the music room.

"Hey guys sorry im late" Joshua said as he entered the music room and made sure that it's locked so no one can get in and in the music room there's the members which are Junhui, Wonwoo, Jihoon, Seokmin and Hansol.

"It's fine we heard the shouts it must be tough being popular you're almost like a celebrity" Jihoon claimed with Joshua chuckling.

"Still that isn't an valid excuse" Joshua replied with Jihoon and the others nodding.

"Anyways hyung we're writing another song that we're gonna perform in the sport's festival have any recommendations?" Junhui added and yeha the members then proceeded to make their new song with Joshua being the second lead singer and plays the electric guitar sometimes acoustic, Junhui playing the piano and other types of piano, Jihoon mostly being their producer and plays the drums, Seokmin their lead singer, Hansol and Wonwoo their rapper and plays bass sometimes.


Meanwhile at the gym where the basketball team are training for their match with the other school tomorrow are full with cheering and screaming from none other than the fans of the skilled, handsome, famous Yoon Jeonghan.

Their coached blew the whistle and announced "OKAY 5 MINUTES BREAK" with the players taking their break.

"Gosh you're so popular Jeonghan" his teammate Seungcheol said and drank his water.

"We can't help it Hyung is skilled and good at basketball then Handsome and good looking at the same time" Seungkwam claimed who's also Jeonghan's teammate.

" Awww thanks for the compliment our divaboo" Jeonghan patted Seungkwan's making Seungkwan embarrassed as the other fans also screamed 'Divaboo'.

"But you Seungcheol-hyung and Seungkwan are pretty popular yourself" Mingyu added.

"Right.. like your saying you're more popular than us we already know Hyung" Seungkwan rolled his eyes as Mingyu himself is also popular.

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