Story 1: Summer

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A/N: The time I wrote this was probably when I was 8 or 9? anyways hope u enjoy

One morning, Seraphina woke to the soft chirping of birds. She looked at the clock—it was 4:17. She peered at her calendar. It was the summer solstice! She decided to go for a morning walk, since she was the only one awake.

Seraphina stepped on the porch and put on her sneakers. She gazed around. Seraphina inhaled a deep, deep breath and saw birds on a nearby tree. She remembered that when she was small, her elder sister Sophia told her a secret.

"Crouch down with your ear pressed to the ground. You can hear the heartbeat of the nature surrounding you." 

Seraphina smiled to herself, recalling the memory. She pressed her ear to the ground and she heard a slight 'thump, thump, thump'. Both Seraphina and Sophia believed that everything in nature was alive and had its own soul and spirit.

Seraphina loved summer.
She glanced up, to see birds chirruping and twittering. Seraphina chuckled. Sophia had always took her to stroll on the peak of a slight hill, where they lived. But this time, Sophia was at college, so Seraphina could only stroll by herself.

Never mind, thought Seraphina. Just a few more years, then Sophia can be with me again.

Beside her were some gorgeous violets. Several violets were timid little creatures, and hid themselves. Other violets chatted happily with each other, and a few violets proudly showed off their elegant, beautiful colors along with their petals, waving to the sun above them.
The sun was slowly rising. Seraphina thought it looked like a giant egg yolk. Stunning colors streaked the sky—rose pink, bright orange, purple, yellow and blue.
Seraphina looked around. She walked to the little pond below the hill. It was a magnificent sight.

Frogs were hopping about on the lily-pads, and the lotuses were blooming. Seraphina stared at the lotuses not daring to take her eyes off them, for they were truly lovely, and they seemed to have magic within them.

For a brief minute, Seraphina felt as if she wa a lotusherself. She was sitting on a pretty green lily-pad, and the cool, refreshing breeze was tenderly nudging her cheek, attempting to chat with her. She felt as if she was soaring through the summer sky, as the sun gradually rose.
Then suddenly, she snapped back to reality. She couldn't wait to tell Sophia about this—Seraphina was ecstatic.

Immediately, Seraphina realized the beauty of summer. It was not about lounging on the beach or eating ice-creams, it was to accept and to observe the true splendor.
"Summer," breathed Seraphina. "Summer."
As she saw the sun rising, she rushed back home. She snuggled back into bed, thinking about summer.

omg it's so weird publishing my old work :/ btw what's ur fave season? Mine is autumn 🍁

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