Half a Century, in a Week

Start from the beginning

"Oh?" Robert was always one to look after his friends, and it seems that he still does it to this day...wait...

"You said he left instructions...right?"

"Yes. I'm sorry to inform you Miss Z73, but Founder Robert E.O. Speedwagon died in 1952 of a Heart Attack."

"...I see." Honestly, she knew it was gonna be the case, the man was already old back then, and now several decades have passed. "Then, what about the others?"

"Erina Joestar passed peacefully in bed in 1950, Messina is growing older, but he is still alive and last seen in Nepal."

"Then what about Elizabeth Joestar?"

"She is also alive. She is approaching a century on our Earth, but thanks to her Hamon training, she is still going strong and somewhat youthful, her appearance roughly in her forties."

"Miriam Cohen?"

"Miss Cohen...she is actually working with the Foundation. She serves in the detachment that assists the Joestar family, and that also extends to you. She is about the same as she was when you were last here Miss Z73."

"That's a relief...at least some of them are still around. Now then, for why I called, I need to find Joseph Joestar, and I heard he was in Hong Kong, where I currently am."

"You wish for me to find him?"

"If possible."

It went silent on the other end again, but it wasn't anywhere as long as the initial one. "I tapped your phone's location, and his last known call came from nearby a restaurant a few blocks east of you, should be easily recognizable."

"You work fast Omari, thank you."

"Of course Miss Z73. Be safe on your travels."

She hung up the phone and left the booth, quickly orienting herself so she wouldn't go the wrong way, the streets were always crowded, but that didn't mean too much for her directions since she had all her machinery to do that.

Also, the sun exists.

For the next ten minutes, she wandered through the crowds towards the restaurant, keeping an eye out for any such places that could be it. Of course, since it was just a straight line, it would be hard to miss.


'Bingo.' She saw the sign, and while basic, it was literally saying what it was, a restaurant.

She went inside, seeing the few tables that were occupied this time, and as she would have thought, one table with a massive man sitting at it...or rather, several massive men and one slightly smaller (yet still) massive man. She heard them speaking from the entrance too, and that at least made her smile.

'I'm guessing the old one there is Joseph, only he could talk like he's the only one in a populated room.' Seeing no Reception, she took a seat across the restaurant, menus placed at all tables that she picked up to sift through.

For a few minutes, she watched the group chat about a trip to Egypt, for what, she didn't exactly know. It was Joseph though, so she knew it was something ridiculous and/or life threatening.

Though...she did see something begin to brew, as a man approached their table. "Excuse me."

They all turned to him, to which the man lowered the menu and gave them a smile. "Do you all have a moment? I'm a French tourist, and I'm having difficulties with the Kanji on the Menu. Can you guys help me out?"

'French huh? Not only that, he's built big too.' She casually watched the confrontation, keeping herself low to not draw attention.

"You're annoying. Get lost."

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