Kyle- March 14th

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Everyone is super mad at me. In just a few days i managed to fuck alot up- my parents are still super mad at me for not telling them what's going on, to the point that they took my phone and my computer. For some reason, i can't even bring myself to care. My friends are mad at me for ghosting them, ike is mad i havent played with him, the list never ends. On top of that, Ive got missing work from all my classes piling up fast.. i haven't even eaten my dinner in days, i havent even felt hungry, i havent cared to eat.. and i havent even brushed my hair since then. Instead I've just sat in my room, thinking. Ive written about it, ive drawn about it, spent all my time pondering it while awake and dreaming about it while asleep. Its all that i can think of.. the events... the way he looked when he ended our friendship, the suddeness of how it happened.. I dont even know what to think of it- did i really do something, or is stan just a jackass? Should i forgive him because was just drunk? But he seemed sober enough..

I dont get it... he never ever was rude to me, even when he was drunk. The most we ever hated eachother was in our silly games, our childish rivalries... it isnt like that anymore. This is more serious, and i dont know how to react. There wasnt anything leading up to the event to hint that maybe something was going on between us.

The way each word left his all sounded like he meant it so much..

You know, i learned something that day. Two things actually.

1. Dont give sympathy to people who don't deserve it.

2. Stan marsh might just be the biggest jackass ive ever met.

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