Failing Club

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Chaewon watched nervously as her professor thumbed through her portfolio. She tried to act like she didn't care- but this was one class she actually did give a shit about. She ran a hand through her dark hair and began to chew on her bottom lip.

Her professor slowly flipped the page, tapping her chin with her finger slowly, before flipping another page. "They are good." Her professor spoke lazily, flipping the page again.

Chaewon smiled slightly, feeling a bit relieved. Coming from Professor Choi, that was a huge compliment. She had work published in multiple magazines, as well as installations of her work in galleries across the country. If she said your work was good, it was.


Immediately her smile was replaced with a frown.

Chaewon's professor shut the portfolio and handed it back to her, "Its lacking emotion."

Chaewon stared at her blankly.

Her professor sighed, "Look. You've got the skill. Technically, everything is great. But there is nothing behind it. They are just photos." She shook her head, "They are pretty. But I want more than pretty. I want to feel something."

Chaewon clenched her jaw. She had spent all semester working on getting those photos and in a few seconds her professor had completely dismissed them. Chaewon watched her professor walk out of the room, leaving her standing there completely frustrated. She had to figure out what her professor meant if she was going to convince her mother that she could actually make a living doing this.

She dropped the folder on the table in front of her and slowly opened up the cover, looking back over her own photos. Maxfeild was right. Lines, lighting and angles... they were all there. But they were just pictures.

Chaewon sighed and shut the book harshly. She didn't know what she needed to do to give it that extra thing. But she needed to figure it out.

Looking up at the clock she realized she had completely missed her first class of the day. What made it worse was the email she had gotten that morning from the professor of that same class asking her to meet with him.


If she was going to have to deal with anyone else that day, she was going to need coffee. A lot of it.

"College is hard." Yunjin grumbled as she dropped down onto the bench next to Kazuha.

"Uh huh" She replied without looking up from their book.

Yunjin slid the straps of her backpack off her shoulders and set it on the ground, "Did you even hear what I said?"

"Uh huh" She repeated automatically.

Yunjin rolled her eyes before smirking, "oh look, there's Sakura." She said cheerfully.

Kazuha automatically looked up with wide eyes, "Where?" She looked around before realizing Yunjin was completely lying. She glared at her playfully, "very funny."

Yunjin chuckled and tilted her face up towards the sun.

"Now that you have my attention, what did you say?" Zuha shut her book and set it down on the bench, finally giving Yunjin her attention.

Yunjin smiled over at them, "I was just saying... College is hard."

Zuha rolled their eyes, "Come on Huh, you've been doing this for a year now. That shouldn't be a surprise."

"I know but seriously, this semester is killing me." Yunjin pouted and let out a sigh.

"Let me guess, Professor Lee class?" Zuha grabbed her book and started shoving it in her bag.

Through the Lense (Purinz/Chaewon x Yunjin)Where stories live. Discover now