✧ ˚ 31 · thirty-one .

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Peter's arrival was swift and silent, his agility manifesting as he perched on a nearby rooftop, ready to swoop in at the opportune moment. The rhythm of their breathing seemed to synchronize, a reflection of their shared determination.

As Ava initiated the plan, her golden energy shimmering with intent, the first phase of their operation was set into motion.

In the blink of an eye, Ava's energy manipulation served as the catalyst for their plan's execution. The diversion she created captured the intruders' focus, providing Peter with a strategic opening to intervene.

Amid the tension, a spat of words erupted. "What are you two little kids going to do?" one of the intruders sneered.

Ava's response was swift and laced with determination. "Kick your ass," she retorted, her punch connecting with one of the criminals. As her target attempted to retaliate, Ava's agility came to the fore; she deftly ducked, delivering a spinning kick that struck the criminal's chest, rendering him incapacitated.

However, in the midst of the skirmish, the second criminal's unexpected punch caught Ava off guard, causing her to stagger. She let out a grunt of frustration, her determination unyielding. Swiftly regaining her footing, Ava retaliated. With a well-timed punch, she incapacitated one of the intruders, while her energy manipulation threw the other off balance.

Amid the aftermath of their clash, Ava's concern for Peter was evident in her words. "You good, Spider-Man?" she inquired through their encrypted earpiece.

As if responding to her query, Peter's decisive movements unfolded. With precision, he subdued the last criminal, his webbing creating a cocoon-like restraint that left the intruder immobilized. The criminal's startled yells were muffled, trapped within the webbing's confines.

Ava's focus remained keen, her golden energy crackling with readiness. In a seamless motion, she unleashed a bolt of energy that shocked the final criminal, leaving him incapacitated and unable to pose a threat. The scene fell into an eerie stillness, the remnants of their confrontation painting a vivid picture of their partnership's potency.

Peter's concern was immediate as he turned to face Ava, his sharp eyes catching sight of the tell-tale sign of her injury. "You're bleeding," he remarked, his voice laced with a mixture of worry and care. Closing the distance between them, he moved closer, his gaze fixed on the blood that marred her skin.

Their heavy breathing seemed to echo in the aftermath of their physical exertion. The tension of the encounter lingered, the air still charged with a palpable energy. Despite their triumph, the toll of their efforts was evident, etched in the sweat on their brows and the heaving of their chests.

Peter's protective gesture was met with Ava's reassurance, her smile a testament to her resilience. She reached out, gently moving his hand away from her face. "I'm fine. I've had worse," she breathed, her smile unwavering. Their shared moment of connection was marked by her determination and Peter's concern.

However, the bubble of their intimate moment was disrupted by the ringing of Ava's phone. Her sense of urgency was palpable as she realized the need to maintain appearances. "Oh crap, I have to take it, or he will know something is up," she stated, and Peter's understanding nod signalled their need for a swift departure.

Exiting the building in tandem, Ava's agility propelled her upward, her flight carrying her to the roof. Meanwhile, Peter's web-shooters activated, propelling him to a nearby vantage point. Their seamless coordination was a testament to their partnership's efficiency.

As Ava answered her phone, her tone shifted, a façade of normalcy maintained even as she tried to control her breathing.  "Hey Daddy," Ava greeted, but even her carefully controlled tone couldn't completely hide the tension in her voice. She knew what was coming.

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