Chapter 1

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LJ layed lazily around his room in his bed as he played with a fidget. He sighed as all sorts of thoughts floaded through his head.

He hadn't been having the best day that day, having remembering bits and pieces of his past. He hadn't at all come out from his room that day. He had just decided to isolate away from everything, no one at all bothering him.

"You're my only friend" a child voice would echo in his head.
LJ grunted, now closing his eyes.

"I have to go, LJ, I'm really gonna miss you"

He squinted his eyes, the voice of the memories that played in his head echoed louder.

"How come? Where are you going, Isaac? Why can't I go with you?"

Jack growled, pounding his head against his hand, smacking himself. "Why do I remember these stupid things?!" He shouted to himself.

Just then, a knock could be heard from his door. Jack opened his eyes, sitting up on his bed and gazed over towards the door. "Yeah? What?" He called out.

"LJ, come out! Me and Jeff found this cool weird looking mirror! Come see it!" Toby's voice was heard from the other side.

"Actually it's more like magical or something, really weird, but you don't have to! His idea to tell you, not mine!" Jeff then was heard.

Jack narrowed his eyes before standing and making his way out of his room. Opening the door, he came face to face with Toby and Jeff. Toby seemed excited while Jeff was quite the opposite, his arms crossed over his chest.

"The hell are you talking about, now?" Jack questioned, shutting his door behind him as he began to follow the two towards outside.

"Just wait and see! It's really cool" Toby said, taking Jack's arm, now rushing them.

Once the three of them were outside, Toby immediately led Jack through multiple trees of the woods, Jeff following behind them. They then shortly stopped in front of a big shallow barrier, a glow coming through it, showing all three of their reflections.

"See? See? Isn't it cool?" Toby would ask.

Jack rolled his eyes before taking a look inside, only to immediately widen his eyes, gasping at what he saw.

Inside, staring back, was a full colorful reflection of himself. His red hair, his rainbow clothing, his bright expression. Jack touched his face, feeling himself to make sure he wasn't in some dream. He then felt his hair, pulling at it. The mirror reflection of himself copied exactly as he did.

He began to panic, looking away from the reflection and towards the pieces of hair he held, seeing it was still the same black color. He then looked down at himself, seeing the same gray and black. So why was his reflection completely different. He looked back at the reflection, whom looked back. It was him, just him, but the past of himself.

He then felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to gasp and jump. He then looked over to see Jeff beside him, staring at him, concerned.

"LJ? Are...are you okay?" Jeff asked, his concerned eyes searching into Jack's panicked ones.

Jack then narrowed his eyes again, calming himself down. He huffed, pushing Jeff's hand off of him. "I'm fine" he then said, now walking away from the barrier and away from the other two. "This is dumb, I'm leaving" he finished.

Toby and Jeff then looked at each other, both sharing the same expression. "I wonder what he saw" Toby whispered.

"As much as I hate him, I'm a bit worried now" Jeff mumbled.


Later that day, Jack and Jill both sat in Jack's room on his bed, Jack explaining to her what had happened. He held an expression of nervousness on his face.

"And in front of me was this this...guy! Me! But he wasn't me at the same time, it was all different, do you understand what I'm saying?" Jack would say, his eyes wide.

"You're sounding a bit crazy to me, but then again you always do, so I'm not surprised. No, I don't understand!" Jill said, crossing her arms.

Jack sighed and shook his head. "Never mind, I can't explain it, you'd have to be there" he grunted.


Jeff was wondering around the halls of the mansion when he stopped by LJ's room, Jill walking out of the room, frustrated. The door slammed shut, leaving Jeff standing there confused as he watched Jill storm off. He then opened the door to Jack's room himself, busting in the room.

"LJ, what's going on?" Jeff would ask.

Jack sighed, staring frustrated towards the psycho killer. He then grunted, motioning for the other to take a seat on his bed, who did so.

"I suppose you're the only one who I can talk to about what I saw in that mirror earlier" Jack sighed.

Jeff widened his eyes, taking his seat next to Jack on the bed. He had been curious as to what the ragged clown had seen. As much as he felt annoyed with the other, he was curious, longing to know.

So, they sat there as Jack explained it all, Jeff listening to every bit he had to say. They talked as time went by, for once neither of them had anything negative to say of one another.


Later that night, Jeff was stuck laying in his room, wondering what all Jack had meant by what he had told him. He didn't know much about LJ, and he didn't really care to try learning anything, but at that moment he wished he had.

Jeff was shortly caught out of his thoughts when he heard someone outside his room. Puzzled, Jeff got up and opened the door, see LJ sneaking around in the halls.

"LJ...?" Jeff hesitantly questioned, calling out. He took a second before closing the door and chasing after the ragged insomniac.

Jeff kept chasing after Jack until finally he was led outside, next to the same place the mirror was found.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jeff quietly wondered, whispering to himself as he followed behind.

He watched as Jack walked closer and closer to the mirror.

LJ took a deep breath before slowly placing one hand against the mirror, his reflected side copying. He then laughed once he knew nothing would happen.

Just then, a colorful long arm reached out through the mirror, grabbing ahold of Jack's arm, causing him to gasp out in panic.

"LJ!" Jeff yelled out, running over, grabbing Jack's other arm and attempted to pull him back.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Jack questioned, struggling to pull away as another rainbowed arm took ahold of him.

"Um obviously trying to save you! Now help get your fat ass out!" Jeff grunted.

"What does it look like I'm doing, dumbass?!" Jack yelled back.

But the other side was too strong, pulling LJ in, Jeff screaming out as he fell in as well. The mirror soon closed up, the both of them disappearing. Their screams echoed throughout the trees of the forest.


To be continued...

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