a VENOMOUS retirement (rewrite)

Start from the beginning

Ina: see what?

(y/n): i just saw an old man just summoned some sort of black whip out of his hand and really jumped high like it was nothing!

Ina looked at (y/n) like he was a crazy person which means she looked at him with her usual face.

Ina: (y/n), it's probably just some old guy using his quirk, you're overreacting.

(y/n): yeah maybe you're right.

Max: we're here!

Max said as he parked the Rv van in front of Vera's house. (y/n) then got up from his seat with no excitement whatsoever other than getting the chance to see Selen. He walked out of the Rv van to be immediately hit by the heat waves that were coming from the hot sun.

(y/n): god! Seriously, why do old people have to live where it's so hot? Maybe aunt Vera has a water quirk that can help.

Then Ina started to walk out of the Rv to go to Aunt vera's house and while she did that, (y/n) then went to looked at Vera's neighbor who was creepily looking at (y/n) from his windows which made (y/n) uncomfortably for a lot of reasons. (y/n) then tried to be nice and waved at him thinking he just had a mean look. Then the old man's face was covered by some black liquid which morphs it straight out of a nightmare, his eyes were bigger and were now pure white, his teeth then became sharper than any animal in the world, they were also larger than any animal in the world. Then he stuck out his tongue which didn't look like any tongue he had seen, it was longer, almost the size of the old man's face. After he saw that, the old man closed his curtains. (y/n) didn't know how to react to that, well welcome of some sort.

(y/n): huh, nice quick he has, they really do make you feel welcome here.

He said with a sarcastic voice but also worried one as well. He honestly didn't know what to say at what he had just seen. Then Max came up behind him.

Max: just watch your cheeks. Vera's a pincher.

Then vera came out of her house

Vera: Max!

Max: vera.

Max then walked up to Vera to give her hug. Then Ina and (y/n) walked up to Vera for a hug as well.

Vera: I can't believe you're finally here and looked at you two! So grown up!

She said as she started to pinch Ina's check that she didn't mind all that much.

Ina: hi vera.

Vera then hugs (y/n) before pinching him on the check which he didn't like at all.

(y/n): ow.

Vera: Come on in, the rest are here waiting for you. I can't wait to chew the fat with all of you.

Max: If you don't mind me asking, where's Ryuo?

Vera: oh he just said he needs to fix his Rv van, but his kids are still here for me to take care while he's gone. Ben, can't wait for you to meet Elira, Selen's older sister. She told me she's been waiting to meet for a while since Selen kept talking about you. Come on so you can meet her.

(y/n): selen been talking about me! What did she say!

He said with hope in is eyes

Vera: she said that you have to be the kindest—

(y/n) then smiled

Vera: but the dumbest person she knows.

(y/n) then lose his smile

Vera: don't worry dear, girls like the kind but dumb boys. Now come in.

So they walked into Vera's house which was excited for as (y/n) gets to meet Selen on summer vacation. (y/n) entered the house and smelled terribly inside of it. To him, it smelled like somebody's cooking socks or something? He looked around to see where Selen was but he didn't find her, but then saw some in front of him. It was Selen's older half sister by a year, Elira pendora.

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