Loona, frustrated, gets up from the couch ready to protest.

Loona: OH SATAN! Every fucking morning you wake me up claiming that you want me to train you but every time I try you refuse! You didn't want to learn how to bite, you didn't want to learn how to scratch... The sniffing ability is the EASIEST and most useful thing you can do that is "harmless to others" and now you don't want to learn that either?!

Loona's protest was loud enough for M&M to direct their gaze at her somewhat shocked, without saying anything.

Y/N lowered her ears somewhat embarrassed, still without getting up from the floor.

Y/N: It's just that yesterday I trained a lot with Auntie Millie and my body hurts from training so much and now you're asking me to train more and I'm tired of training so muuuch...

Loona opened her mouth to protest but Millie cut her off from a distance.

Millie: You'll thank me when you have unstoppable strength, honey! Those muscles don't get stronger on their own!

The Imp checks her cell phone again, understanding that the pup is bummed out that she hasn't managed to do 100 sit-ups and 100 push-ups in 10 minutes like she asked the other day.

Seeing Moxxie returned to concentrating on his own, - probably scared to protest anything after seeing Loona's bad temper - the adult hellhound assumed no one would interrupt her anymore and after rubbing the bridge of her nose, she turned to the dwarf furball to discipline her.

Loona: Stop complaining and choose... Either you do what I tell you and train that nose of yours, or you start cleaning the place because if you are not willing to dedicate yourself to this, you will work as a janitor.

The hellhound pup seemed to think about it for a moment.

Y/N: ..Is there a third choice?

Loona: Oh yeah, you can go to a public school which is the only thing Blitzø can afford although you'll make him lose a lot of green, and for being a hellhound the only education they'll give you will be the requirements to become the personal employee of any other demon because the only thing this system sees in us is as the lowest being in the hierarchy of hell, you want that?

The hell pup didn't understand most of the words but from the security that was in her sister's voice and face, she knew that it wasn't a good choice. She sighed, defeated.

Y/N: Ok, I'll train...

Loona nodded and sat down on her desk.

Loona: Close your eyes WITHOUT cheating, and walk around the office, tell me what smells you recognize.

Y/N: But I won't know where I move.

Loona: If you use your sense of smell, you don't need your eyes to see.

Without further protest, Y/N closes her eyes, covering them with her hands and inhales deeply, concentrating.

When sniffing, she picks up many different scents, but they're all varied and scattered. Trying to distinguish them, she sees in her mind, large and brightly colored gaseous clouds hovering everywhere uncontrollably.

Loona: Open your mouth, you'll perceive the smells better.

Y/N: How's that work?

Loona: Just do it!

Without understanding why, Y/N obeys her sister and at the moment of opening her mouth and inhaling, it is as if the colors of the clouds were enlivened even more and the smells doubled their power, the gaseous clouds of her mind were getting bigger in an overwhelming point, as if she were in the blinding smoke of a fire that prevented her from finding her way out.

Y/N: There are too many smells, they confuse me!

Still with her eyes closed, trying to focus more, and opening her mouth, she hears her sister's voice guiding her.

Loona: Among all those smells, just focus on one, the strongest smell you perceive if you want.

Y/N kept her eyes shut even tighter and sniffed again. Among so many scents and colors, she felt that she would never be able to focus on just one, but she didn't give up.

After a few seconds of trying and walking in circles, hoping not to crash into anything, she caught a particular smell.

In her nose she can perceive humidity, some smoke, a strong smell of something dusty, perhaps it's... musk.

Loona sees how the young hellhound pricked up her ears when she caught something and lets her concentrate.

Among all those smells, Y/N can also detect a soft fresh smell that she cannot recognize, but being able to concentrate solely on that mixture of smells as one, it's as if all the colored gaseous clouds surrounding her evaporated and only a white thread of vapor remained, forming a path towards a larger mass of itself in a small distance. Excited, the pup wags her tail.

Y/N: I smell something!

Loona: Then follow it.

The cub nods determined, and blindly takes a few steps towards the mass of odorous gas, putting her arms out in front of her, taking care not to bump into something. A few steps as she advanced, the mass of white vapor grew larger and larger, until Y/N stopped in front of it, seeing the sheer size of it inside her head.

Loona: ... Are you kidding?..

Loona's words resonated strongly in Y/N's head and when she opened her eyes, she realized the odorous mass she had detected was no one but her sister, who was right in front of her, crossing her arms and looking at the cub scowling.

However, Y/N smiles at her, happy to have detected something with her nose and understanding that the fresh scent she didn't recognize was Loona's perfume.

Y/N: You smell very nice!

The adult hellhound rolls her eyes, but Y/N could note that she blushed, she understood her sister had been flattered, which caused her tail to wag even more.

Loona opens her mouth to protest something when suddenly a loud screeching resounded around the office, deafening both hellhounds who had to cover their ears.

Loona growls and shows her fangs towards the place where said noise comes from, Blitzø's office. She knows damn well he turned on his fucking megaphone.

Moxxie, who, frightened by said squeak, threw his sheet music to the ground, got up annoyed and went to his boss's office to complain. But before arriving, all the employees of the place heard the deafening announcement of the Imp boss.


Moxxie finally opens the door to protest, but processing what his boss just said he can't help but ask.

Moxxie: Loo Loo Land?

Y/N, even with her ears covered, could see Millie raised her head suddenly when she heard said place unknown to the pup, and saw how the Imp, with a sparkle in her demonic golden eyes, ran at full speed towards Blitzø's office, crashing her head into the glass of the door, breaking it with her horns.

Millie: LOO LOO LAND?!

Blitzø rang his megaphone again to yell, hurting the ears of the hellhounds.

Blitzø: LOO LOO LAND!!!

The adult hellhoumd, fed up with the shrieking of the megaphone and the screaming of the Imps, loses her temper.


Once there was finally silence, the little hellhound uncovered her ears, and looking at each of her family members, she asked.

Y/N: What's Loo Loo Land?

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