Dance drugs money!

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Isabelle's POV:

We pulled up at this huge hall with twinkling fairy lights hanging outside making the place look beautiful. Harry took my hand and walked me inside the hall to reveal a huge ballroom full of people dancing, smiling and having a good time. I couldn't help but feel jealous of those people that are here having a good time whilst I am dragged here against my will.

Harry walked us up to a group of people all around my age, there were four men and four beautiful women.

"Hey Haz" the one with the blue eyes and brown hair quiffed up said.

"Hey Louis, Isabelle this is Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall, guys this is Isabelle."

Zayn smirked before speaking.

"I know I was the one that helped you carry her to the van" My fists began to tighten as I tried not to launch myself at him. The girl next to him- his date I think- punched him on the arm and scolded him.

"Sorry about my boyfriend he likes to be an idiot, I'm Perrie" she gave me a short hug before shooting more glares at Zayn, I gave her a small reassuring smile. "Nice to meet you Perrie"

The rest of the girls looked at me before speaking.

"Hi I'm Sophia, Liam's girlfriend"

"Hi I'm Rose, Louis date"

"Hey I'm Ellie, Niall's date" I gave them all small hugs before Harry dragged me to the dance floor and we began to slowly sway side to side.

I took this time to fully look at Harry's face; His perfect eyebrows, those cute dimples that come out when he smiles and even that little mole near his mouth. Why do I have these thoughts? He's a monster... He studies my face for a while before he sighs.

"I have to quickly do something for a while can you please stay with the girls?" Did he just say please? I could run but I know he would find me so I just nodded and made my way over to the girls.

Harry's POV:

Making my way over to the boys I look over my shoulder to have one more glance at the beautiful girl on the table wearing the dress that I brought her. She catches my eyes and gives me a reassuring nod so I know she's going to stay there. Giving the boys a nod we make our way to the room with the stash ready to give it to the boss. The boss looks to see if we have given him what he wanted and gave us our money.

Wow that was easier then I thought it was going to be. I head back to the table where she is. I lower my lips down to her ear and whispered-

"We are going home now" she shivered and grabbed her things as did the others.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and began walking back to the car, Driving back I noticed that the same car has been following us for half the ride home.

"Isabelle I need you to stay calm and don't panic, someone is following us and I need to look forward and carefully duck your head down okay? can you do that for me?" she nodded and did as I had asked. I Quickly took a sharp turn left and so did the other car. The men from the other car started to heavily shoot my car from behind. Isabelle screamed and ducked down even more.

"Isabelle your going to have to take the wheel! can you do that?" she quickly nodded in shock and we switched places more quickly then I thought we would.

I went to the back seat and opened the boot of the car, grabbing my pistol from the back of my slacks I started to retaliate. I hit the first front wheel and squinted my eye to fire at the second wheel and burst the tire. The car skidded out of control and crashed into a nearby shop. I got back to the front seat where Isabelle was crying and shaking uncontrollably.

"Stop the car Isabelle" she continued to drive in her shocked state.

"STOP THE DAMN CAR!" she was awakened from her state of shock and pulled the car over and stopped.

We both got out of the car and stopped, without thinking, I pulled her tight in my arms to calm her down, she started to cry which was slowly breaking my heart...why do I care? I let go of her and we returned to the car so we can drive back to my flat.

As soon as we got back to my flat I locked the door and took Isabelle into the guest bedroom.

"Who were those people?" I was surprised that she finally spoke up.

"I don't know but I'm going to find out" I walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out one of my old shirts and passed it to her.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" she paused for a moment.

"No it's fine I just want to sleep" she said quietly not meeting my gaze. I nodded even though she couldn't see me and walked out of the room locking the door behind me.

Whoever that was that tried to kill me and Isabelle are going to die...

Drama! Thank you for actually taking your time to read my story!

- C xx

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