Yamcha(Realization): Yeah, that makes sense! Alright, now we've got a lead. Let's keep a keen eye out then!

Yerlec: Sounds good. ...on a separate note, mind if I inquire something?

Yamcha: Sure, what's up?

Yerlec: You and Bulma were once an item. What happened between you two?

Yamcha: Eh, I guess you could say that the spark just kinda ... died between us. At some point, we decided to just stay friends instead.

Yerlec: I see. That's a relief, I was worried there'd be some lingering tension.

Yamcha: Nah, it's all good man. I'm just glad she found someone who can handle her. Bulma's no fighter, but her sass is legendary.

Yerlec(Amused): *Chuckles* Don't let her hear you say that.

As the two Z-Fighters continued their search, they noticed a pair of figures further down the road. Figure that seemed unassuming, yet out of place at the same time.

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Moreover, they bore the insignia of the Red Ribbon on them. They found the androids.

Yamcha(Nervous): Looks like we've got our droids. Should we call for backup?

Before Yerlec could answer, he noticed that the androids were staring right at them. Looks like stealth is out of the question. Without warning, Yerlec shot a blast into the air to signal the other Z-Fighters to their location. Soon enough, the others joined Yerlec and Yamcha as the whole group confront the androids. 

Goku(Stern): So, you guys are the androids, huh?

Old Man: Hmm, I surprised that you know such a thing. More over, I'm curious as to how you knew we'd be here, Son Goku.

Piccolo: If you're so curious, how about you come and find out?

Yerlec: Not here though. I'd prefer if we keep civilian casualties to a minimum. Follow me.

Old Man: Very well, where we kill you matters not. Lead the way.

The Z-Team leads the androids away to a rocky field, far away from civilians. Upon landing, they confront the androids, but they noticed that Goku seemed a bit winded. Odd, all they did was travel a bit, what was going on? 

Goku: So, before we get started, how do you know who I am?

Old Man: Goku ... I've been keeping tabs on you and your little friends with the aid of a special drone. As such, I have knowledge all of the techniques that you lot posses! You especially Goku for the strife you put the Red Ribbon Army through. All that remained was Dr. Gero.

Piccolo: Wait a minute, you're talking as if you're Dr. Gero.

Old Man: Not quite. The good doctor has already perished, I am one of the many results of his genius, Android 20. Now I can fulfill his act of revenge upon you all!

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