Greed Chapter 8: Overcome

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As she was about to go and check on her, she sensed Garfiel suddenly charging right at her, having managed to push through the ice soldiers to get to the silver haired half elf.

"Ya ain't hurtin' Ram, crazy bitch!"

Emilia turned towards Garfiel's direction as she noticed that he's about to land a hit on her.

She quickly dodged the attack just in the nick of time while holding her hands together to smack Garfiel onto the ground with all of her strength.

She managed to slam down the demi human boy onto the ground once again and nearly knocked him out, but he hopped right back up, regaining his strength instantly thanks to his divine protection.

His anger increased to its breaking point, causing him to his fist onto the ground which caused the area underneath Emilia to explode suddenly.


As Garfiel said this, he looked up as Emilia was caught in the blast, not prepared for Garfiel to do this attack to her since he saved it for extreme threats.

As she was sent back. the two remaining ice clones ran towards Emilia's direction to catch her.

Ram managed to get back on her feet with only her back slightly damaged and a bit of blood going from her forehead down her head. The collision with the tree was harder than she expected, especially since she was only in her maid uniform which was now torn up a bit.

While she got up, Garfiel also stood up up, getting annoyed at this entire farce of a fight since he would rather beat the real Natsuki Subaru to near death than deal with fake Natsuki Subaru's that didn't even show pain when he bashed them.

"Aight ya stupid bitch, th's yer last chance. Get th' hell outta th'way or else I'll kill ya!"

With that threat said, Emilia gave the two a serious expression, knowing that her knight, Otto, and Beatrice are counting on her to keep these two at bay.

"You won't get past me! I won't let you! Garfiel! Ram!"

As she shouted this, she started to make the temperature around them drop considerably.

This caused Garfiel to be taken aback since the last time this had happened, Emilia nearly killed him for just shouting at Subaru.

"Fuck th's!"

The demi human boy prepared to run away only to suddenly be attacked by the two remaining ice soldiers.

"Garf!" Ram shouted, seeing that this attack was far more brutal than the previous one. The ice soldier managed to punch the demi human boy with enough force to send him flying sky high!

As Ram was distracted for a moment, it was all Emilia needed to land a quick Huma spell on Ram, freezing her legs in order to keep her in place.

"What's the meaning of this?" Ram exclaimed, viewing this act as very cowardly and unlike the Emilia she knew.

"I don't wish to fight a friend. So, stay put, Ram-san."

Ram closed her eyes for a moment when hearing this, a little surprised by the words being used by Emilia...however her anger wouldn't be halted so easily by pretty words that had long since lost their meaning.

"Had you been this strong, this capable, then perhaps I would've respected you. Perhaps he wouldn't have fallen too deep into that book of his."


Emilia tilted her head as she was confused by Ram's words.

Before she could even ask what the pink haired maid was saying, a loud roar could be heard.

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