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"Anyways why are we even wasting our time on cheap losers like you both? Right Lana?" The main witch, Lara said. I roll my eyes,

"No body ask you to waste your time Or whatsoever, so fuck off grandmas, " I said with a fake smile, as I grab Minseo's hand gently and we went towards the cafeteria,

As we both reach inside the cafeteria, I took a seat which was at the corner of the cafeteria and Minseo went to order/take our foods, as she said me to just sit and wait for her,

While waiting for Minseo someone whome I don't know and haven't seen in my entire life came and sat in the seat, facing me,

"Hi I'm Kim Dohyun, and you're Y/n right?" The unknown guy said while I just nod,

"Well, I guess you already know me so no need for my introduction right?" I ask him, and he smile and nod.

"You're confused I see! Well don't be actually I just came here to talk with you for a while, is that alright with you?" He ask,

"Yes you can talk but, Can I be honest here? (He nod) Unless and until if you don't make me uncomfortable then I'm alright." I said,

"I promise I won't make you uncomfortable but why are you always alone uh I mean don't get me wrong but don't you have friends?" He ask nervously, "Um I'm just asking you though!"

I shook my head as no, and smile

"Well I'm just, you know I don't have true friends whom I can trust. So that's why I don't have friends." I said,

"You know, you remind me of my older sister, she's also just like you, no socializing, no friends, all alone." He said with a sad smile,

"Why are you asking me this things to me? Out of nowhere?" I ask with suspicious eyes,

"I just want to ask you, but as I don't see you often but whenever I do, I don't have a chance to talk with you." He said,

"What do you wanted to talk with me anyway?"

He was taken aback by my question, but answer calmly anyway, " Well there's so many things I want to talk with you or you can say more like to share with you."

"Can you say it?"

"As I said there's so many things, so maybe later if you have time?" He suggest, I saw Minseo coming towards the seat, that me and Dohyun were sitting or the seat which I said I could be there to her.

As she came, she look both at me and Dohyun with a questionable face,

"Well?!" She said more like questioning me,

"Oh Minseo, come sit here!" I said and motion her to sit beside me, she did as I said so, but still glaring at Dohyun as he only smile awkwardly,

"Dohyun-ah , let's meet at this weekend nearby 7/11 CVS, park?"

ARRANGED MARRIAGE||YOON JEONGHAN X READER FF|| Jeonghan ff|| On GoingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora