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HomeModern metropolisLive broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]Chapter 74: Liang Zhu

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Chapter 74: Liang Zhu (1 / 2)


Then a bunch of people watched Ye Yu make lunch.

There are more members in the family, and naturally they have to cook more when eating, but in order to avoid the imbalance of taste caused by too many portions, Ye Yushi stir-fried the ingredients twice this time. It also tastes a little better.

Marinate the beef in shreds and mix the sauce. When Ye Yu took out the pasta, put some salt in the pot and began to cook.

After cooking, you can stir-fry the ingredients.

Many new viewers who came today came to the music, so they only followed the strategy to learn about Ye Yushi's music-related videos.

Some people can't help but listen to the second time after listening to the first time, and they have a little understanding of Ye Yushi, and feel that his music is a treasure even if it does not have the results of the research institute, and they also know that he may really have something, and some people are unwilling to admit that they can't help but be attracted by these music, so they are unwilling to admit it.

But either way, they didn't know about the video of Ye Yushi cooking. Seeing Ye Yushi at such an important time, but busy eating his lunch, they all had a lot of resentment in their hearts.

However, this resentment gradually disappeared as the beef stir-fried, and the aroma that gradually permeated when the green and red peppers were broken.

What is it, so fragrant?

A group of people who were originally not thinking about the live broadcast room couldn't help but twitch the tip of their noses, and their faces subconsciously rubbed in the direction of the pot.

Of course, because it's just the live broadcast room, they definitely can't touch anything, but the fragrance is inexplicably alluring, and just when they want to smell more, Ye Yushi takes the fried ingredients out of the pot.

The fragrance stopped abruptly, and there was a slight afterscent in the air.

But that's enough for a group of people to chase the taste.

When the reaction came, some viewers who had been dismissive before suddenly pinched their faces to sober themselves up.

Silly him, said yes, to question Ye Yushi's whether this anchor is really real? How can you still be stunned by the enemy's sugar-coated shells without hearing the music?

No, no, sober up.

But this dish smells quite fragrant, so what green, green, red and red I don't know what things are stir-fried together, it looks very good. The anchor stir-fry is also too fast, why not fry for a while.

Some people are not right, but some people have quietly asked questions:

[Ask, what is that red, red, green and green?] What is the first stir-fry]

Others pull not

The old viewers in the live broadcast room will finally breathe a bad breath. When this group of troublesome guys broke into the live broadcast room, they were particularly rude to question Ye Yu, and they also said wild words about their beloved Blue Star Delicacy.

✓Live broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]Where stories live. Discover now