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Live broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]


Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 29: To Alice (<>-in-<>)

Although none of the people knew what he said, just looking at Ye Yu's bad smile when he listed it, the people in the live broadcast room were already terrified.

[No, no, no, this is not needed, let's keep it simpler, don't step too big at once] [Don't scare me when it's raining, there are so many delicious foods, let's eat the evaluation that is not so polarized first]

[Is it only me who wants to challenge it].

[Yes, yes, it's just you, little mouth]

"Good, good." Ye Yushi looked at them like that, and did not scare them, "But if you are curious, I can show you the recipe next time, you can try to see if there is any substitute food of the same type, and try it yourself." [

I always feel like I will die if I try_(:з"∠)_]

[No problem, I'm interested, look at me]

"There will be." Ye Yushi said, bringing Bai Guo and three small robots to wash and clean.

After cleaning up, it was just time for the bamboo tube rice to be steamed, and when Ye Yu opened the steamer, the fragrance of the bamboo tube and the aroma of rice came to my face. He carefully clipped the bamboo rice with a clamp and placed it on the table mat. The part under the bamboo tube is slightly smoothed by Insect Two, so it can be easily placed without collapsing.

Ye Yushi took two spoons and put them aside, and then waited for the bamboo tube to cool a little before lifting its lid.

The brightly colored ingredients are blended with the rice, which is fresh and delicious, and after the immersion of bamboo tubes, it has the fragrance of bamboo. Ye Yushi dug a spoonful and sent it to his mouth, the rice grains were soft and sticky, the aroma was fragrant, and the slightest fragrance was just right and attractive, and it had a special flavor.

The audience in the live broadcast room also liked it and praised the bamboo.

[That is to say, there are so many planets I don't believe that there are no plants similar to bamboo, it is really beautiful, and it has many functions, and I like it even more when I think that the oil-paper umbrella I like is also made of bamboo. ] This gift is for bamboo]

"Not only do you like bamboo, but the people in the past are the same, they use bamboo as a metaphor for their aspirations, and they are frequent visitors to the literati and inkers. Remember the oil-paper umbrella from that day? There are also ink bamboo paintings on it, and Meilan bamboo chrysanthemums are called the Four Gentlemen, you can see how much they are loved.

[Then we looked at the bamboo, but we haven't seen Mei Lanju


"There will always be a chance in the future." Ye Yushi bent his eyes, extremely sure of this.

After eating, Ye Yushi cleaned up the tableware. It was still early, and when they sat down a little and consumed their food, they started working together again.

It's just that when Ye Yushi looked for three little robots to tell them about things, he found that the three little guys were burying their heads together, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

✓Live broadcast of Blue Star to the interstellar people [Farming]Where stories live. Discover now