Chapter 14

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Daniel led Max to the front of the podium where the concert will take place.Max saw that all the drivers and almost every single team was there as well as all the fans in the rain.He wondered this must be some big show if everyone was staying here.Max caught Daniel, Lewis, Lando and Charles looking at him and smirking while whispering to each other.Max found this weird and asked them what was going on but they just shrugged it off.Soon with all the pleasantries completed the host was about to announce the entrance of the singer onto the stage when Max was jump scared by a few people behind him.

"Hey Max how are you buddy?"Alexander asked putting his arm round him.

"Thought you got rid of us mate."Käärijä replied.

Max looked shocked to see them here and then he had his mouth open when he saw Lena, Loreen and Alessandra walking up to them and saying hello.

"Hey Max, how are you congrats on the win by the way what a comeback drive."Alessandra replied.

"W-what are all of you doing here?"Max asked.

"Surprise"All of them said together.

"How did you like the surprise mate."Daniel asked as he also arrived.

"This was your doing?"Max asked.

"Well Lewis, Lando and Charles were in on it too but a thank you would be appreciated you know."Daniel replied.

"I guess thanks a lot it's nice seeing you guys again."Max replied.

"Oh but you see the surprise isn't over Max."Charles replied.

"There is one more surprise left and you may like it better than winning your world championships."Lando replied.

"What is it?"Max asked mentally preparing himself.

"Just look at the stage."Daniel replied as the hosts announcement began.

"Welcome fellow Formula 1 fans to the final event of the day, The Austrian Grand Prix Concert."She announced as the crowd went roared.

"Today we have a Danish singer who is popular all over Europe, her songs will leave you making happy memories and she has a voice of an angel.Please welcome the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2013, Emmelie de Forest and her 2014 hit song Rainmaker."She shouted sending the crowd into a frenzy.

Max stood frozen in place as he saw his girlfriend walk into view on the podium.She looked beautiful and he couldn't take his eyes off her.

"How do you like the surprise now mate?"Daniel asked.

Max was about to reply but couldn't get any words out of his mouth.

"I'll take that as a thank you."Daniel replied as the show begun.


This land, abandoned and dried out                                                                                                                                                    

This land, no one hears you shout

In my hand, the seed of love and life 

But in this land it withers and it dies

Over the mountains


When will you find us?

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