Chapter 7 - New chance for a date night

Start from the beginning

Seeing Stolas in his human form was as charming as always, as he tried his hardest not to blush by Stolas looking even more handsome with the beams of sunlight hitting his facial features and his stunning red eyes.

Blitzø shook his head out of day dreaming of Stolas and pushed himself up against the wall so he was sitting with only his waist covered by the light duvet. "Why are you up so early... and looking like, that." His eyes went up and down at Stolas, he was clearly wearing eyeliner and had dressed himself up. Not that Blitzø had forgotten it was today they were going on a date. Yet he had tried to erase the thought and worries from his mind all night. By now he had probably created at least a 100 scenarios of what could go wrong.

Stolas chuckled at the imp, finding him silly. His slim hands gently touched Blitzø's horns, pulling him closer to give him a light kiss on his head. When Stolas pulled back he had the expression of a very happy child, blushing.

Blitzø was left with the most confused look, all though he tried to stay serious he didn't even notice that his cheeks were all red.

As a result of Blitzø agreeing to give him another chance on a date, he was feeling extra loving and caring. More than that, he still had that tiny thought in the back of his head, sensing he was going to be hurt yet again.

"Nevertheless, the reason why I am all dressed is because of out date, Blitzy." Stolas softly smiled at Blitzø before moving his tall slim figure over to the middle of the room. "And I have everything planned out, hopefully it will be perfect" he chuckled nervously whilst wrapping his hands.

Blitzø stretched his little body and pulled on his clothes. As he was halfway through putting his pants on he paused by Stolas talk- "nah ah- it's a date blitz, you will wear something nice" Stolas teased stubbornly, grabbing his grimoire to search out a specific page, or rather a certain spell.

"Don't you dare turn me into one of those preppy princy assholes" Blitzø spoke louder and quicker back at him. But Stolas ha already found the spell and transformed Blitzø into his human form with a red turtle neck, leather jacket, slight punk accessories, a pair of pants and to top it all a simple tie around his neck.

Blitzø touched parts of his body to feel the clothes and the weirdly human skin, and it all wasn't too bad. Stolas had the outfit pretty much spot on.

"Thank you" he said quickly trying not to be too soft as he wanted to discuss his excitement and worry for the date. "I must admit though, I do look handsome as FUCK" Blitzø ironically went over to a mirror, posing in-front of it.

Stolas stood still, admiring Blitzø yet again.

He slowly moved over to him and tilted his round sharp head up to face his. "Yes Blitz, you do." Stolas paused to notice Blitzø's look on him. His mission to disguise his feelings and not seem soft, was completely failing as he looked at Stolas like be was in a transe of love. "Hmm" he chuckled, "anyhow, we have a date blitz. Are you ready to go?" Stolas spoke slowly, with the mix of excitement and worry in his gentle voice.

Blitzø squinted his eyes for a second and took a deep breathe trying to soothe his bargaining thoughts. Giving his best attempt on simply enjoying Stolas company and going on this date. It hadn't even been that long since Ozzie's, and Blitzø hardly knew if he had recovered from it, or If Stolas had. And yet again, he was thinking too much about the situation.

"Yea, yes, mhm, ready." He spoke rapidly out of the blue with a tiny smile on his face.

He went over to the door and opened it for Stolas whilst giving him a little bow to show his 'gentleman' side. Stolas smiled at him and went out the door followed by Blitzø locking it behind them.

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