Chapter 6 - grimoire back to its owner

Start from the beginning

Blitzø looked up and down at Stolas, he just stood there. Completely wandering in his own mind. He sighed as he went over to and grabbed Stolas hand, dragging him out of the hotel room.

The tall prince did not mind being dragged by Blitzø. As he was following him like a dog.

The two of them exited the hotel and squinted their eyes from the bright Hollywood sun. "Alright, time to go fucking book hunting"

Stolas glanced down at Blitzø's hand, aiming to take it. Holding hands through Hollywood sounded like a nice thing. He slowly reached for Blitzø's hand but the little imp quickly started to walk. Stolas pulled back his hand nervously and followed Blitzø.

Blitzø didn't give a single shit about all the cars driving on the road, he simply marched over the road expecting every car to respect him.

Whilst Stolas kept on toggling from side to side through the traffic, "em excuse me.... My apologies.... Em" Stolas apologized to all the drivers honking their cars at him. "Eh em- blitz! Would you mind" he waved at him from the middle of the road.

Blitzø rolled his eyes at him and mumbled, "Christ on a stick come on", as reached his hand out to Stolas and took a strong grip around his slim wrist, pulling him onto the side walk.

"So this is how you plan to get back my grimoire? Storming through traffic?" Stolas breathed out.

"Meh" Blitzø raised his shoulders and kept walking alongs the side walk.

Stolas hurried after Blitzø, yet he was a lot taller than him.

Stolas eyes looking around at the surroundings and recognized the buildings, details, fences. It was about the same location where his book was taken from him a few days ago.

"So you have a clue where we're going..." Stolas glanced around the area and back at Blitzø. He had stopped right in-front of an alley, glaring down at it. "Did you find something blitz?"

The human disguised imp nodded his head as his brows pulled together. "Yea. I think our guy is gonna show up here"

The two of them followed the brick walls of the alley, going further in. Stolas was nervously tapping his hands. The whole place gave off an odd vibe. "Why.. here?"

"I don't fucking know, just got a feeling.." Blitzø's voice lowered and faded into mumbling, he could pick up someone talking right around the corner.

"Blitz, are you-" Blitzø placed a finger infront of Stolas mouth hushing at him to keep quiet. Stolas swallowed his words and stood right behind Blitzø's figure.

Blitzø slowly peeked the half of his face out to get a glimpse of a guy dealing something. But the most eye capturing was the book he was holding. Stolas grimoire.

"Gotcha" Blitzø whispered to himself before he leapt out revealing himself to the strangers. "That's my sexy bird brains book you're holding there mother fucker!"

Both the strangers jaws dropped with their eyes, taken by surprise. One of them turned to the other and made a grimace, "we had a deal bitch! You said no one would find us here!"

Stolas slowly peeked out from the corner watching them argue.

"I didn't know! We still have a deal!" The other one yelled holding the book towards him. The guy pushed the book back to him and took a few steps back. "Nah no more deal, I can't be caught by some snitching gay ass couple or cops" he said as he unexpectedly grabbed onto something in his pocket, and fired the gun he had right at Stolas and Blitzø before he ran off.

"AGH SHIT-" Blitzø in rush, ducked down and used his hand and body as a shield to cover Stolas.

Stolas stood back up again after the shot was fired. His eyes widened as he glanced over at Blitzø.

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