I understand Sir!!

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# Third person pov

A week went by very quick. Though Phayu and Rain didn't talk much, a small seed of hope started building in his heart that he may still have a chance to be loved. He never touched him nor was cold and authoritative like he usually was.

Rain slowly started being his usual self around Phayu. Bubbly, smiling, talkative. He let go of himself a little and stopped being on guard when he is with Phayu.

Phayu never lost control when he was with Rain. Only he knows how much he is trying not to take Rain that very second on that table smelling his strawberry scent. His scent is making him crazy. But he controlled himself. He has to, for his plan to succeed.

He has to make him believe so he doesn't scare him away. No, he doesn't want to lose him. Rain belongs to Phayu. And Phayu will make sure of that.

He will not let him escape. He will make sure he can't.

And the only way is to break him.

To make him obedient.

To make sure Rain has no one else except him so he can't escape.

And it is the only way Phayu knows to make Rain not leave him. Fear. Taking control of him so he can't do anything but obey him. He doesn't believe in love. Phayu knows that fear is the only thing that makes people stay. So he waits for the day for Rain to be finally his.


Though Rain is now okay with the marriage, he still can't help but feel nervous. His mind is always overthinking and questioning everything.

"What if it is all an act? What if he feels ashamed of me? What if the people in his world don't accept me? What if they think that A lowly and poor omega like me is not suitable for the Most powerful Alpha in Thailand? Am I really worthy to be his mate? What if..... " He sighs.

It is all done anyway. Rain cannot escape. He knows what Phayu is capable of. He doesn't want his family to be hurt though they basically sold him to this mafia alpha.

He looks at himself once again in the mirror and starts walking towards the garden. His heart skips a beat looking at the person on the stage waiting for him. Phayu looks at Rain who is now standing beside and smiling at him . Phayu ignores him and turns away not noticing the smile on Rain's fade away.


All the guests are leaving as the ceremony is over. Only Phayu, Rain, his parents and his brother are left. Rain looked at his mother who was smiling so happily, never once taking her glance away from the money she just got. She pulled HER son into a hug telling he doesn't have to worry about his future anymore with the father joining as well.

Rain stood there watching his family, on his wedding day, never sparing him a glance. He just stood there. With no one to notice the tears that were threatening to escape, the hurt in his eyes, his fist closed nails digging deeper into the skin with each passing second trying not to breakdown.

He quickly looked away from them, not able to control his tears anymore. He slowly walked and stood beside his husband hoping to get some comfort at least some words that can soothe the pain and hurt he was feeling then but nothing came. He looked at his alpha who was busy looking at his phone probably an office document and making calls totally ignoring the person beside him. What else was he expecting? A hug?

What a joke.

The car entered the mansion. Phayu and Rain were greeted by the maids while Rain was busy looking at the mansion in awe. Phayu pulled Rain into the house grabbing his right arm taking him upstairs.

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