That 1% love

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Flashback continued!

#Rain pov

Its been a week since that day. The first two days, I was scared even to step out of my room. As nothing happened, the third day I went to college and gradually forgot everything.

*A week later*

I am now standing infront of my house. I was shocked when my mae called me earlier this morning asking me to come back as she misses me which is indeed very strange. They never acknowledged my presence let alone miss me when I am away. Thinking of all the possibilities why she suddenly called me home, I stepped inside and found some people staanding near the door and some behind the sofa looking like they are gaurding the person sitting in the chair. I was very confused and turned to my mae and paa who are standing infront of him with a smile on their face which I have never seen before.


" You are getting married in a week. So, stop whatever you are doing now and return home by today. We have lot of work to do" Mae said. I am very confused! What the hell?? I am just 18 years old... I just took a single step to my dream... For the first time in my life, I felt that I was worthy.. That I could do something that made me satisfied...And she wants me to leave the happiness I just found to marry someone I only know the name of??

Mae saw my expression and continued "You are going to get married next week whether you like it or not. We have already agreed and signed the deal. You will marry him in exchange we get the money we need for your brother's studies and marriage. Don't you want your brother to be happy? He is nice and rich alpha. He will take care of you. Didn't you always ask us what to do to make us feel proud of you and love you? If you want us to be proud of you and let you stay as our son, you have to accept this. It is for your own future. You will be happy."

I just stood there not knowing how to react. Firstly, she asks me to leave my college, basically sold me to some random stranger in exchange for money and for the future of my brother, then almost blackmails to disown me and tells me all this is for my own future? How am I even supposed to react to this? Angry? Disappointed? Hurt? Sad? Or as she says.. Happy? Yeah I should be happy... Atleast now I fully understand what place I have in this so called family.. I should be happy that I can finally escape from them.... I should be happy that I no longer need to work my ass off just to get noticed and be appreciated by my parents... I should be happy that I no longer need to see the hate in their eyes when they look at me.... I should be happy.... Right??? Then why the hell am I crying?

I just stood there for god knows how long before slowly raising my head to look at the person sitting with a blank expression. I slowly walk towards him. " P-p'Phayu... C.. Can I talk with y.. You in private? " I stood in front of him with my head down unsure of how he would be responding. He got from the seat and started walking towards the balcony signalling the gaurds not to follow. I released my breath that I was not sure that I was holding and walked behind him.

"What do want to talk about? " His voice is calm unlike the one he spoke to me few days ago. I looked into his eyes which stared at me with no expression... I couldn't read any emotion or understand what he is feeling right now.

I slowly open my mouth. What should I start with? I have too many questions.... " C..can I continue my stu..studies after m..marriage? "

"No" was the only respone I got. No reason, no explanation.. Nothing. That's okay.Maybe he doesn't think its safe for me to go alone.Even I feel this is so stupid but this is the only way I can console myself. I don't want to break my heart though I kind of knew what the actual reason is.

" W.. Will I be staying with in your "
Shit.... What kind of stupid questions am I asking?


Now I am getting annoyed. Can't he use fucking sentences? I calm down myself and open my mouth again.

" Will...will I be allowed to meet my p..parents and friends?" He looked at me and I saw in his eyes...satisfaction? I know how alphas can be when they are possessive and it doesn't help me much knowing what kind of person I am going to marry. I may not know much about him personally but I heard about him. He is known for being ruthless which from the very beginning is why I am scared about this whole arrangement. He gets what he wants and he is so damn possessive of what is his. I don't want to get on his bad side. At least not for now. I looked at him waiting for an answer.

" Only when I give the permission. Ask me before doing or going anywhere."

" Okay" . Last question.... This is the important one.... " W... Will I... Will I be... " God why am I stuttering so much!! But I don't know how to ask this.. Will it be okay? Seeing me struggling with words... He pulled me to his side, slowly tracing his index finger along my face to my chin and held it firmly making me look up.

" Yes" He says. What!? I didn't even ask anything yet. What is he answering yes for?

I saw a smirk form on his face and he slowly pulled my face towards him and said

" Yes you will be spending your heat with me. Is this not what you are trying to ask?" I just nodded looking down. He continued

"Not only then...Be it day or night, home or office, bed or bathroom, whenever I need you.... I am going to spread your legs... Fuck your pretty asshole and you will never ever deny. Is it not why I wanted you in the first place? "

Yeah that IS true... I am just another one of his plaything. The only question is.... Why is he marrying me?? If all he wants is sex from me, then why go through all this trouble with my family?

I came out of my thoughts when he released the grip on my chin. I looked down and slightly nodded my head

" I agree".

"Agree to what? "

" To marry you".... He laughed. He fucking laughed?? Why is he laughing?

"As if you have a choice" was all he said before leaving me alone in the balcony and talked something with my parents and left.

I really don't know why but I can't help feeling anxious. Will I be happy with him? Will he leave me after getting what he wanted? Will he get bored of me too? Will he go to other omegas when he is not with me? No, he will not. Since he wants me to spend my heat with him, it's supposed to mean something right? He never did anything to make me feel loved, yet here I am thinking that he is marrying me though he has many omegas of his status in the queue waiting to get fucked and get close to him. But he chose me. To marry me. Hope. Need. Crave. I slowly began to hope that I can fulfil the need of my heart, maybe he can give me what I am craving for these 18 years.... That 1% of love.....

Am I being stupid?

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