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Luna and Neville were walking towards the courtyard. They were talking about their favorite and least favorite classes.
   "I've never liked potions." Neville said.
   "I actually enjoy potions. I do enjoy most, if not all, of my classes." She replied.
   "I only like charms. I suck at the class though." He said.
   "I don't pay attention to the other classmates in charms, but I bet you do well." She responded, smiling at him.
He smiled back as they sat down, talking about the other classes and what they planned on doing over the winter break. Hermione came over at sat with them, glancing at Ron.
   "You alright Hermione?" Neville asked.
   "I'm fine, Neville." She answered, her voice not as loud and booming as usual.
   "You don't sound fine Hermione. You aren't being as loud today." Luna said, tilting her head slightly.
   "So you think I'm loud?" She said softly.
   "Yes. You are very loud sometimes. But there isn't a problem with it." Luna said.
Neville didn't say anything, he just nodded to avoid having to listen to Hermione. Hermione started to say something, more like scream it, towards Neville.
   "Leave him alone Hermione. He hasn't done anything." Luna said, grabbing Neville's hand.
Hermione picked back up her books and walked off. Luna smiled and Neville and he was looking away from her with a slight blush spread across his face.
This isn't that good but eh

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