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"Guys, leave Neville alone." Luna said.
"Why?" Harry asked.
"He wants to be alone, so let him." She said.
Harry and Ron left the courtyard.
"Thank you Luna." Neville said.
"I found your toad by the way, he's in that bush there." Luna said, poitning towards a bush.
The toad hopped out of the bush and Neville grabbed him.
"Trevor! Thank you, he would have been lost for days if you didn't tell me that."
Luna smiled and walked away.
"Hey Luna?"
"Hm?" She said, turning around.
"You're v-very pretty." Neville said, his face turning bright red.
"Thank you Neville!" She said, turning to walk away again.
"Would you like to sit with me?" He asked.
"Didn't you want to be alone?" She queried.
"I did, but Id enjoy your company." He said, turning away from her.
"Then sure." Luna answered, sitting beside him.
They talked about the creatures of the forest and misunderstood animals. After a few minutes Luna walked with Neville to his common room and then back to hers. On the way to the Gryffindor common room, they talked about misunderstood students.
This is very short, I wasn't sure what to do but I wanted to make a Luneville one so
feel free to requests ships for me to do next

Harry Potter OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang