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I got this one from a tiktok, I dont remember the username but when I do I'll make sure to come back to this and add their username.
I have no fucking clue what i'm doing so bare with me

Make sure to read my other stories too!!

Harry had walked into potions late, unsure of what they were doing he sat next to Ron.
   "Why does it smell like Mahogany Apple? Isn't that the scent of Draco's cologne?" Harry asked Ron.
   "Harry, we're brewing Amortenia. If you're smelling Draco then..." Ron said, making a disgusted face at him.
   "God no." Harry said, placing his face in his palm.
Ron laughed and kept constantly making jokes about it. Harry continued to be annoyed. He looked up at Draco and he was staring at him.
   "I still can't believe Draco was what you smelt. That's terrible Harry." Ron said as they left potions.
When Harry passed Draco he was talking to Crabbe and Goyle.
   "You smelled that Potter boy?" Crabbe asked.
   "Yes now shut up." Draco said, punching Crabbe in the arm.
Harry was aware they were right beside Draco, however he was unaware at how loud he was being. He asked Ron to not mention that he smelled Draco in the Amortenia.
   "I think he smelt you too Draco." Goyle said, laughing.
   "Potter." Draco said.
Harry turned around and Ron laughed.
   "I think he heard you, pottah." He jeered.
They all stared at each other, staying silent. Harry and Ron decided to go back to their common room before Draco cut their heads off. As they were walking away Harry turned around and Draco was watching him walk away.

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