Chapter 8

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-The response will be automatically changed!-

--Your Pov--

Ms. Helena was a day or night when the victim was killed?" I questioned.

"It was day, why did you ask me that?" She responds.

"Ive got it! The blackend is MATSUMOTO KOHAKU!"

"Huh!!?? Are sure???  Why do you think so???" She asked.

"Alright ill explain what happened!"

-Explanation Begin!-

It was daytime, and at this hour, the victim was really frustrated,
But, right now she was in her parents house, visiting.
Someone sent a letter to her, mocking her about their relationship with her ex-boyfriend!...
So she decided to commit murder.
First, she said to her parents that she will go to a her best friend's house. Using another letter her best friend, or should i say,MIKI TAKESHI sent her. But actually, the letter her MIKI sent her, was actually a love letter! Now her parents will believe why she was leaving their house. Now, she made her way into her apartment, the place where she died, writing a letter to the culprit, saying that she wanted to meet them to rebuild their friendship! Obviously a lie.
The culprit likely having no braincells, actually thought that the letter that the victim gave them was true.  The culprit arrived at the victim's apartment, not aware a struggle will begin if she enters.
She enter into the culprit room.
Earlier when the culprit hadn't arrived the victim grabbed a katana that the victim parents once gave her.
Now, the victim was armed, and the culprit close the door and questionably locks it.
After the culprit locked the door, she ran at her full speed with her katana! But, something the victim failed to notice, was that the culprit had a knife on her, just for self-defence. Thus began the struggle, The culprit who was lucky, dodged the attack, and ran to the bathroom, Locking the door (somehow). The culprit found a bucket of bleach, now prepared to face her soon-to-be victim, who was strong enough to break down the door and enters the bathroom.
Now, the culprit was armed! They  threw the bucket of bleach and blinded the victim, As the victim screamed in agony and ran to the living room, the culprit catched her and stabbed her in the abdomen. Now enraged that the victim dare attack them, they stabbed the victim's abdomen 28 times, before they bled to death.
Then she cleaned the handle of the knife to get rid of the hand prints and dropped it in the crime scene, and when she was finished doing this, she had a apron on covered with blood.  Than she ran to her house and cleaned her hands and face from the blood that was there.
Now, the culprit was pretending to cook some food, when the culprit was questioned, she said she cooked up dinner. The officer knowing that she was japanese thought that she must have mistaken dinner as breakfast.
But! She was fluent in English!

-Case Closed!-


Congrats! You successfully completed a case! Mini cases will be in your life and when you're right you get your reputation up or random items but when you are wrong you will receive a penalty and your reputation will decrease.

"Huh.. that actually makes sense!" The officers say, astonished and suprised.

"Wow!! Your a real detective Hoshino-sama! Your correct! The culprit was mastumoto kohaku!" Ranpo says enthusiastically.

"Heh! Thanks!" I mumbled, but ranpo still can hear me.



•Matsumoto kohaku's real English name was leones kuwata, but her friends call her leon for short.

•The victim's english name was sayaka maizono.

•the shiney thing in the ex-boyfriend's bag was actually an earring.

•This was case was based by danganronpa, and so will the mini cases!

• The word least and other words purpose was to see if you not only paid attention on the lined words but actually use your brains with other words to solve the case.

•i made The best friend's testimony suspicious because kinda like makoto's in danganronpa, like the first case he gets blamed even thouh he didn't do it, the lined words were like the people getting suspicious of him, and i think he also got a crush on sayaka on the kindergarten (?).

(Sorry if i this doesn't make sense, my first language isnt english, you can also do alternative s if you want and write it in the comments.)

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