Chapter 1

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- Your POV -

'Ugh..' I then opened my eyes 'what the?' I Look around the mysterious place and then the interior, 'Is this the after life?' I thought.

The place seemed to be a elegant house and i seemed to wake up in a living room.

(Pretend that its night time)

'Wait a second ... Now i realize it i really need to pee!' I quickly grab the door knob and i see a hallway,

I quickly go to the right door and see the bathroom, An elegant one to be exact.

'Who knew that being in the afterlife was so luxurious' I thought, Then i quickly snapped out of it going to the toilet.

After I've done my business i looked in the mirror, expecting a ghostly version of me.

Wait a minute is that...


I was in shock. How did i look like ai hoshino!??? Theres no way that I'd possess her body right???!!!

But then i thought about it, Ai didn't have a luxurious and elegant house though, she lived in an apartment. And she didn't see her children either,

Even thouh there was a possibility that i was in her body when she wasn't pregnant, it didn't clear up the fact that she lived in an apartment not a whole ass mansion.

But then i thought about my wish. To look like Ai Hoshino. Then it clicked me, my wish came true. So then... Which universe did i reincarnate to? I dont think it was oshi no ko.

I than hear a knock on the front door of the house, being curious i opened the door.

Only to see a backpack on the floor.

As i opened the backpack there was a note contained in it :

As i opened the backpack there was a note contained in it :

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'So it was the star that granted my wish...' i smiled "thank you star!" I carefully folded the note and put it in my backpack. "Ill call you stellar, ok?" I then look at the star and it shined brightly for a second "im guessing thats a yes!" I smiled yet again.

"Then, Lets go out and see what universe im in ,alright stellar?"

( Bet you wouldn't have expected me to upload a chapter this fast huh?😏)

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