Chapter 76: Dancing around

Start from the beginning

"A lot of times, modern people say that it's because when you take herbs in their natural state, you take in every part of it including some toxin, but in truth, a properly made medicine, would have other herbs that can cancel out the toxins in that main ingredient while also treating the organ where the ailment might have affected." she explained.

Lalisa looked at her mother with eyes full of surprise. She had known that her mother was getting better and better. However, this was totally different from how she was, it had felt as though the moment they brought up the discussion of herbs, her mother had transformed to this knowledgeable person.

"Is there some matter?" Xia asked with slight worry and her voice brought Lalisa out of her thoughts.

"Not really, I was thinking that if you had the chance to package your herbs, teas and ointments, it would help a lot of people to get better health at maybe a cheaper cost and also, let you have something that's entertaining your mind."

As soon as Xia heard her words, her eyes lit up as tears welled up in her eyes. "A..are you serious?" she asked with uncertainty and then scooted over until she was able to hold her daughters hands.

"Do we have enough money left for the getting of herbs, that's the major thing. It's even better if I get the seeds and grow them myself." she said eagerly and Lalisa nodded as her own shoulders also dropped in relief. She hadn't been sure that it was something her mother would enjoy doing on a large scale.

"It's fine, I'll handle all those for now, I would also talk to some people that I think you can work with also." she said.

After then, the both of them went into a full blown discussion about the kind of products that she needed to put out and how they would go about the planting.

For Lalisa, who had not seen her mother look this genuinely happy for a while, she had long forgotten that she had come back in with the thought of taking a warm shower and lunch. And it was only when the doorbell rang that the both of them realised how long she had been talking for.

Lalisa stood up to open the door after seeing it was Jungkook.

"You are just getting back from school?" Jungkook asked, surprised to see that she was still in her uniform.

"I was taking your advice and telling mom about the business and got carried away." Lalisa replied but her entire focus was on the box of food that Jungkook was carrying. The fragrance of the food had quickly filled the whole room. She was already hungry and felt her stomach rumbling.

"I have something to celebrate so I did a small feast for dinner." he explained as he placed the box on the dining table. "Go and clean up, I'll set up the table with your mom."

Lalisa nodded and went inside while Jungkook went back to his penthouse to carry the remaining box.

By the time Lalisa came out, all cleaned up and changed, the table was already set up.

"What exactly happened that made you this happy to cook?" Lalisa asked curiously as she started to dish her meal.

Before, she would only focus on eating while her mother and Jungkook had small talks while they ate. Later on, she had started to join them making them seem like a family sometimes.

"My company discovered some genius developer girl." Jungkook said as he cast a side glance at her fingers that were holding on to the cover of some dish bowl. Because she had already assumed that Jungkook could not have known she was the one, Lalisa looked up confused as she heard him say a girl.

Had there been something wrong with her disguise?

"A girl?" she asked him, to be sure she heard right. Jungkook on the other hand was only playing with the emotions of his little girl and her reaction was exactly what he had expected.

"A boy rather, he seemed rather feminine though."

Lalisa looked at him with suspicion as she suddenly felt like she couldn't catch up with this man in front of her as she felt as though there was something she was missing out on from this conversation.

"I was surprised, after all, although everyone is becoming more open about women and scaling their careers, things like technology are still being dominated by men." she explained and Jungkook nodded in agreement.

"He was able to develop a firewall greater than that of my company's current which would of course increase our stock prices again and also make more companies want to work with us." he explained and Lalisa nodded in understanding the whole time.

Like that, they spent the whole evening dancing around business talks and technology while Xia deliberately finished her meal and left the both of them at the table.

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