Chapter 10

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"Look forward to that announcement during the closing spectacular!" Dali teased, sticking his tongue out.


The final event of the Battler's Party is the closing spectacular. Here, excellent Battlers are acknowledged and given fabulous prizes.

"They are finally announcing the results!" Asmodeus said.

"We are going to take the special prize!" Clara declared.

"The Demon King Battler are going to get the special prize!" Sabro said.

As those who get the special prize get to go up the ranks, every Battler targets the special prize.

Quichelight tapped the microphone with his fist gently, checking if it was on, "We will now begin the excellent Battler award ceremony."

The crowd erupted into cheers of excitement, expectantly waiting for the announcement.

A silver 'IT'S AMAZING AWARD', a golden 'SPECIAL PRIZE' and a bronze 'YOU DID YOUR BEST AWARD' were displayed on the stage wall.

"The excellent Battler award ceremony will be presented by our Student Council President, Azazel Ameri," Quichelight announced as Ameri walked down the carpet. She took the microphone from Quichelight, hovering it to her mouth.

"Ms. President!"


"All of you did well," she spoke into the microphone, a hand on her waist, another holding the device, "I'm happy that this year's party ended up being another grand and joyous affair. Now, let's move on to the awards. For third place... The You Did Your Best Award goes to... the Succubus Battler!"

The Battler members had walked onto the carpet, posing seductively at the audience.

"During the pre-party and the party, they used their charm to keep the event lively which got them the votes. Their prize is a luxurious battler room," Ameri explained.

Dali handed over a large key to the the member dressed in purple and fishnet stockings. The audience marvelled at the announcement.

"We didn't get the prize," Clara pouted.

"This is just the third place," Asmodeus said.

"When are they announcing the special prize winner?" Sabro muttered.

"Be patient," Lied butted in.

"Next up, we have the second place. The second place is the It's Amazing Award.  The winner is the New Magic Battler."

It was Jazz's Battler. A young man with purple hair, gloves, and a neon green visor led the Battler up on the stage to receive the award.

"We didn't get that too," Clara stated.

"The special prize belongs to me!" Sabro proclaimed.

"You are so annoying!" Asmodeus snapped at him.

"The New Magic Battler interacted with students through magical experiments. They contributed to the development of magic and their new magic was a sight to behold. As such, they receive a year's supply of black holy water as their prize to be used in further magical development."

"It's such a shame," Dali noted as he held the container with the New Magic Battler President.

"Shut up. We will get the special prize next time. Just wait and see," he shot back.

"The New Magic Battler is so cool!"

"The winners are as expected so far."

"Next up is finally..."

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