Chapter 12

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"Iruma-sama, is the strength to your liking?" Asmodeus asked as he massaged Iruma's shoulders as he browsed his hellphone.

"Want some candy?" Clara said hastily.

"Alice, get me some tea," Iruma said in a cursory manner.

"Alice? Yes!" Asmodeus ran off to get Iruma tea. You chat with Soi in the corner of the classroom at your table, oblivious to Iruma's sudden change in person.

"That is... Iruma, right?" Jazz said.

"He seems quite different from normal," Elizabetta remarked.

"Yeah," Gaap nodded his head.

"A difference between heaven and earth!" Allocer stated.

"That dignity! As expected of my rival!"

Kerori and Agares were at their desk, Kerori glancing back and forth every so often.

"Iruma-chi, candy?"

"Clarin. Clarin," Lied waved her over, "What is with that?" he asked in a whisper.

"It is unmistakable, Iruma-sama has entered his Evil Cycle!" Asmodeus stated.


Evil Cycle. That is a stressful period for demons, where thoughts of violence and sadism will heighten. Originally, the human Iruma will not have it, but due to magic, he has now entered a state resembling it.

"I see. Evil Cycle, huh?" Lied mumbled. Jazz hummed in agreement.

"Seems that way," added Clara, "That is why this morning too—"

"Clara," Iruma called, "It's cold. Come here," he demanded, patting his leg.

"What?" Clara's face blushed red.

"Oh, my...."

Iruma pulled Clara's wrist towards him to sit on his lap. He laid a hand on her head, causing Clara to blush further and emit steam like a kettle of boiling water.

"You serious?"

"That is a situation that I have only seen in my dreams!"

"What? There is nothing to see here," Iruma said, blatantly unaware.

"No, it's definitely something to see," Jazz waved his hand.

"Here it is," Asmodeus said, holding a tray with a cup of Hell Grey Tea.

"Thank you," he muttered.

"This is bad. Iruma's Evil Cycle..." Jazz mumbled.

"Usually, you can see flowers floating around him. But now, it's more like dancing black feathers," Lied said.

"I know what you mean."

"As expected, Iruma-sama! This is how a ruler should act!" Asmodeus wailed, shedding tears so much that it could fill a swimming pool.

"Anyway, let's not provoke him and leave him alone."

"Yeah, man."

"Iruma-sama. Here is a blanket. Wind from the cracks seeps in easily here, after all," he handed one to Iruma.

"Cold. And on top of that, it's smelly?" Iruma stated.

"Heave-ho," chuckled a student.

"It's nice that it's closer. We can just leave the rest to those guys, after all.

"Here they are, the Abnormal Class. As always, we will be counting on you guys to clean this up properly."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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