While spinning Taka saw the projectile coming, using the momentum of his spin he blocked the dagger with the katar on his left, and in a swift motion kicked the pummel of the dagger launching it back towards Loch.

Loch saw this all happened, he smiled at Taka's action, even though they are opponents he can still appreciate a good move if he saw one. He threw his other dagger towards the incoming one knocking it out in mid air, and with a decisive motion he loaded mana into the soles of his feet and rushed towards Taka, catching the two falling daggers while doing so.

Taka landed on the ground, the moment his feet touched the ground, he beamed straight to Loch as well, he also managed to load mana into his feet.

The two meet in the middle exchanging deadly slashes at extreme speed. Their blades clashed with one another as a harmonic rhythm of metal against metal sounded all over the amphitheater.

Taka was the one who broke the rhythm of their clash, instead of parrying Loch's dagger, he instead stepped inside his space deeper while barely dodging the blade. A red line appeared on his cheek, but his gamble worked. He was inside Loch's guard.

With a precise movement he grabbed Loch's arm and performed his patented judo throw, but Loch countered it by landing on his feet while his body was bending upside-down.

Loch smirked at Taka, seeing this he tried to jump back but Loch already has a hold on his arms, he didn't let go of it when Taka threw him. He performed a back flip landing on Taka's shoulder riding him with his legs wrapped around his neck.

Loch was still holding on to Taka's arm, falling to his side he let go of Taka's left arm and focused on his right, as he fell he wrapped his legs around it performing a standing falling arm-bar on Taka's right arm.

Knowing that if Loch succeeded he'll have a broken arm, he moved quickly and grabbed it with his left not allowing Loch to have full extension. Loch now hangs upside-down in the air while holding on to an incomplete arm-bar.

"Grahh!" with a grunting scream, Taka pulled Loch up, and not a second more he moved his body straight down, he was planning on slamming Loch on the ground.

Seeing no other way out Loch used his ancient magic, as he was slammed to the ground, his body turned into a black mist, dispersing in the air.

He was now behind Taka, twirling the dagger in his arms downward, he stabbed straight at the vulnerable back of Vivaad Karanevaala.

"How utterly predictable..." Taka muttered, and Loch heard it. Alarm bells started ringing inside his head, his eyes caught Taka's right palm, it was pointing towards him, everything was moving in slow motion. Loch saw Taka's face, he was smirking.

"Shit!" Loch cursed, he didn't know what Taka was planning, but he knew it was bad for him. He then heard him mutter another word. And with it, he knew, he fucked up.



A huge ball of fire erupted devouring the pallum's whole body in its fiery destruction.

He was able to shadow walk away, but he didn't escape unscratched, his body was littered with burns, he was able to cover his body with mana but he was a step late in doing that as well. Taka had completely caught him off guard.

Loch was kneeling on one knee while staring at Taka who was standing at a distance away from him. He knew, any later he would have been burnt to a crisp.

There's a dangling question at the back of Loch's head, why did his shadow walk took longer to activate there? He could have moved earlier but his magic didn't activate as fast as it could have.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now