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Chapter 16:

Lux POV:

I ran. And ran. And ran, until most of the pressure that had been building up on me finally came forth.

I have no idea where I am right now, I honestly don't even give a crap right now though.

I finally stopped running and collapsed onto the ground, curling up in a little ball and cried.

Everything was too much.

I became a vampire, one of the three that exist in the entire universe.

I discovered that I had two main powers that I have to train to now, invisibility and power transportation.

I am thought to be an evil woman who killed innocent children and escaped the death penalty for her actions by framing someone else.

That evil woman is coming to kill me, then my mother, then my grandmother. The generations of the one who lived through her death sentence.

She could come from anywhere, at any time, any way she wants.

I'm freaking screwed....

I sat with my legs propped up, my pale arms wrapped around my knees, and my head resting on my wrists.

I just sat there, silently thinking to myself, quietly crying.

I hadn't even noticed someone was there until I felt a finger poke me in the shoulder.

"Hey are you okay?" A deep an husky voice asked me, and I raised my tear soaked face to find a sexy shirtless boy hovering over me concerned.

I sniffed, wiping the tears away with my thumb, and nodded.

"No your not. Here let me help you up." The gorgeous boy offered, hiding his hand out to me, and I didn't move, thinking of Carter.

He would NOT like this...

The boy laughed, out stretching his arm even further towards me.

"Come on, I don't bite."

I laughed, taking his hand. The boy pulled me up effortlessly with his strong defined muscles.

"It wouldn't be the first time I've heard that." I mumbled only loud enough for immortal ears to hear, and he laughed.

"I suppose not. I'm Josh, Josh Adams." Josh introduced himself, shaking my hand.

I confusedly shook his hand back.

How did he hear me?

"Oh don't worry I'm a werewolf, not some advanced hearing human." Josh explained and I gave him a strange looked, relaxing a little.

"How did you know I wasn't a mortal?" I asked and he pointed to my skin, which was glittering in the sunlight.

I laughed, shrugging.

"If you couldn't tell, I wasn't exactly in the trying mood." I said with a small smile.

Josh grabbed my hand, and my head snapped up at him alertly.

"What was wrong, babe?" He asked calmly, stroking the backside of my hand softly. I jerked my hand away, and took a couple steps back cautiously.

"Uh-hum nothing... But um I gotta go now so I'll see you later." I quickly dismissed, stepping farther back into the unfamiliar terrain, where Josh followed me cunningly.

"Hey don't leave babe, I was only being friendly." He argued and I shook my head fiercely.

"I have a mate." I said seriously, looking the boy straight in the eye. Josh laughed and neared me, cornering me into a fence.

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