Chapter 7

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You wake up, feeling rested and refreshed. You look around and realize that you fell asleep on the couch. You remember the events that took place last night and you blushed. Realizing you fell asleep in his arms.

Speaking of which... you look around and he is nowhere to be found, you're disappointed but you expected it. He never said he would stay...

———————a month later—————————

You continued your routine as usual, except for hanging out with Gabriel and maybe a few more dates with Miguel.....

Okay, maybe a bit more than a few. You too were hanging out every other night, sometimes he would stay the night at yours, and sometimes you would go to his apartment and stay. Nothing was going on though, no sex, just sleep, and cuddles.

Miguel was now part of your routine, you cooked together, walked home together, practically living with each other. He made you happy.... Happier than you've ever been.

You loved him. You were sure, you liked the buzzing feeling in your chest whenever he was around. And even though he was around 24/7, it never went away. And you wanted to think he felt the same about you.

You would catch him stealing glances at you from the corners of your eyes. The way he looked at you with so much affection when you were just ranting about something dumb.... There had to be something there right?

Miguel walked into the door, your sitting on his couch, you smile and wave.

He just got back from one of his dreadingly long work days... it was already very late.

You two had decided you were going to have a movie night at his tonight. So you just met him at his place. He gave you a key.. which was fair because he had one to your apartment.

It was like you guys were already dating... honestly, you should be, you already play all the parts, all it needs is the confirmation, the words.

You were going to wait for Miguel, you didn't want to force him into a relationship. One night you asked about It and he told you about his fears about being in a relationship, which you completely understood.

One thing you weren't too fond of though, was how he worked tiredly long days. Sometimes he would even stay up all night at work, just to work through the day again!?

You took it upon yourself to make sure he got to rest. He always comes home earlier when he knows your waiting at his apartment, so you stayed at his often and forced him to take a break.

Miguel smiled back, before walking into his room. You sat patiently waiting for him. He came back out in no time in a more comfortable-looking outfit.

He sat down next to you and immediately opened his arms to you, offering. You smiled and with no hesitation crawled into his arms. He held you tight like he would lose you if he ever let go.

You didn't mind... you liked the way he held you close. You snuggled into him, as he put something to watch on.

You loved these wholesome moments with him. You considered yourself a funny person. You liked to tease and could be was- a brat sometimes. You loved to tease Miguel, his reactions were amazing.

But you found yourself enjoying these moments just a bit more.. so you put teasing him off, you still did it, but not as much, so you wouldn't ruin the moments.

You felt him shift and you looked up at him, to find him gazing back at you. You smiled, which he returned, but there seemed to be something on his mind.

"Miguel? What's up?"

He tilted his head in confusion.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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