Chapter 2

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You unlocked the door to your apartment, collapsing on your couch. Glad for the comfort after the long night. See, you really didn't have a job, you spent your time as 'copycat'. As you have been labeled by the people. You had no time for a job, as you were alway busy with either finding new food spots or fighting.

The reson you had this apartment was thanks to your ability. You try not to mimic money as much as possible, finding it immoral, but you were not going to live on the streets if you didn't have too. You thanked whatever was out there for your ability, you were glad to have it even if it was a bit stressful sometimes.

You got the name copycat, because of your fighting style. You were known for copying the abilities of your enimies and using it against them. Once you copy something, it gets put into an inventory, so you can access it at any time.

As you lounged on your couch, your mind wandered to the night you just had. From the good food, the speech, to him. You never did get his name. The man you danced with. He must have put a spell on you, because you were entranced with him. He wouldn't leave your mind.

You smiled to yourself as you thought of the dance. You have danced a few times at events like that. But you have never met anyone who matched you so well in one. His hands fit perfectly on your waist. He was way taller than you. This man was a giant. You weren't short, but this mans hands enveloped your waist and you loved it.

His eyes. His dark eyes that pulled you in and made you drown in them. The eyes that were on you all night long. The eyes that met yours, and held your gaze after being caught stairing.

The way he danced. The way he moved with you in sinc. You didn't have to speak words, you knew everything he was planning just by the way your bodies twirled together on the floor. You trusted him, you didnt blink twice as he spinned and dipped you. He even lifted you off the floor a few times but you didn't mind.

You just met this man. You didn't even know his name yet you felt you could trust him with your life, and it was rare when your gut feelings were wrong. You gave him the Benefit on the doubt. You could trust him, you just knew it. You also had a burning feeling you would meet him later on, and you secretly hopped that feeling was true.

You were happy yet a bit upset with yourself at the same time. Happy that you met him, this was so far, one of the best nights of you life. The most fun you've had. Yet how could you just meet someone and let your mind run only for him?

You shake your head, standing. Trying to shake the thoughts away. You take off your mask, just now getting to it. You decide to take a shower so still standing in the living room you take off the corset your wearing, and you take off your suit. Only the top though, you left the bottoms on.

You sigh and stretch, feeling your muscles stretch, you smile. You were a bit sore from all the dancing and the fight you had before that. It's nothing a steaming hot shower wouldn't fix. You clean up a bit before walking into the bathroom.

As you stand under the hot water, you can't help but think of the way his hands fit so perfectly on you. The feeling of them still burning on your skin. You hug yourself, placing your hands where his was. It just.. felt so right. Like nothing you have experienced before.

You drop your hands and try to pry your mind back from him. He probably already forgot about you. And you decided to let fate decide if you would meet him again. Even though you knew where he worked, there was no way in hell you were going to show up to his job.

You finish up your shower and get dressed, laying down and getting comfortable in your bed, snuggling into the blankets. Little did you know you would have trouble sleeping.

You tossed and turned, not able to get comfortable. You eventually gave up on sleep and stood. You looked down at the small thin watch you where wearing and pressed a button. Your suit immediately snapping on.

WaltzOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora