Chapter 4

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After awhile Gabriel eventually stops teasing you and Miguel, but he still looks like he is plotting something.

Miguel ends up getting something to eat while you and Gabriel chat, him only talking whenever he was required to.

At the booth you guys were at, you and Gabi got your hands on a peice of paper and crayons from a kids menu.

You go back and fourth playing tik tack toe and just doodling like little children, causing Miguel to roll his eyes.

Gabriel pushes the paper infront of Miguel, smirking.

"I have to go to the bathroom, so you play with him."

He says before climbing over Miguel and walking down a hallway. Miguel looks up at you through his eye brows and you make eye contact for a bit before he speaks.

"You don't actually expect me to do this with you?"

He grunts. You smile.

"No. I don't. Buttt~ it would be fun if you did~?"

You sing, trying to convince him, with your own little evil grin.


He gives in and your face lights up. Causing his to soften.

"One game. But. Not. A. Word. Understand?"

"Aye aye capitan! But I'm X, you can be O. The X is prettier."

You say starting to draw a new board, not looking up to see Miguel's reaction to that, he just stays silent. You make your move and he does his. The little game finishes quickly, before Gabriel is back.

Miguel won.

He smirks with a satisfyed look on his face, like he just won an argument. You pout.

"I won~"

He sings out teases and your heart skips a beat.


He laughs, before Gabriel walks back out. He doesn't sit down and just stands at the table. He glances down amd sees the game board, causing him to smirk.

"I just got a text, I have to head out a bit early, but by all means you guys can stay here and continue without me~ I wouldn't want to ruin your night~"

He teases smiling, shooting you and Miguel a wink, and earning a grunt back from the man.
Gabi says bye to the both of you, before telling you he would text you soon to hangout. He turns and walks out the door. Leaving you and Miguel alone in the booth.

You check the time and notice it has gotten a bit late, the sun was setting and you wanted to clean and take a shower before trying to sleep, wanting to fix your sleep schedule... and you knew it would be awkward with just you and Miguel.

"Ah... it is getting pretty late.. I should get going.."

You say standing up, and Miguel is quick to follow your actions. He seems to ponder something, it looks like he is having an argument with himself.

"Want me to walk you home? It's late and it can be dangerous at night.."

He offers with a blank face, but you knew he was Nervous just by the way he hesitated. You smiled.

"Sure, I wouldn't mind at all.."

You accept, and he seems to light up a bit at this, before clearing his throat and motioning to the door. You lead the way, he follows.

You walk out together into the streets that are growing dark. It's nice and quiet. A peaceful and calming quiet, not like the awkwardness you expected... it felt so comforting to be in his presence.

You walked side by side as you headed to your apartment, having mild chit chat, talking a bit about Gabi. It seemed Miguel really was fond of him, you doubted he would ever admit it though.

You ask him about alchemax, and he describes a bit of what he does. He slowly become more talkative the more time you spend together.

It really seemed like a stressful but cool job, and now he is CEO, so he must have done something right, and your happy for him.

"Congratulations by the way"

"Hmm? For what?"

He asks tilting his head, causing you to smile. He looked like a confused little puppy, Awh... he was so cute...

"For getting CEO, I doubt it was easy"

"Oh... yeah. Thank you.. it wasn't all too much, I honestly don't know why the promoted me out of everyone"

He says just looking forward.

"Don't say that, I'm sure your amazing at what you do... I mean your the CEO now, that's kind of a big deal... I'm happy for you"

You see his lips curl into a small smile, and he looks back at you.

"Thank you.."

He looks deep into your eyes and you feel like your going to have a heart attack because of this man. You stomach does flips and you can feel butterflies going wild.

You smile up at him in response. And his smile grows. You feel your heart once again, stop.

You soon reach your apartment, stopping at the door and turning the look up at Miguel, who was looming over you. You smile softly, a bit nervous.

"Ah.. thank you. For walking me home, I appreciate it really.."

"No problem. I have nothing better to be doing"

He responds, knowing damn well he has stuff he needs to be doing.

You smile, and he smiles back.

"So you think I can get your number? Sorry if that's weird- I just find myself enjoying your company-"

You ask feeling a bit nervous, and Miguel seems to freeze a bit at your request.

"Ah- it's fine if your not comfortable giving it out-"

"No, it's fine, sorry. Here"

He cuts you off, and reaches his hand out for your phone. You smile and hand it to him. He types in what you assume to be his number and hands it back to you.

"Thank you.."

"Yeah no problem"

"I'll text you later.. so you have my number... good night Miguel."

Something seems to flash across his face at you calling him by his name. It was the first time he had heard you say it. He smiled.

"Yeah.. goodnight.."

You headed into your apartment, sitting on your bed fresh out of a shower. You were kicking your feet and giggling like a little teenage girl.

You pull up your phone and look at your contacts. You heart thumps heavy in your chest.

He was saved under 'Migue <3' and he put himself in your favorites.

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