Chapter 3

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You lay in bed,  deciding to lounge around all day before you hear an annoying beeping coming from your wrist. You groan and get up, you tap the button on your watch and your suit snaps on.

You had placed many little cameras and devices around the city so you get notified when criminal activity is happening. You look up the location and notice it's at a spot gangs usually hang at, oh this was going to be fun.

You jump out your balcony window, landing on a low roof, you start making your way to an old warehouse. The beeping was louder so it means it's a bigger deal so you prepared yourself for a fight.

You came upon the location and snuck inside through a broken window. You mimicked an ability of an old friend, and turned invisible.  You walked around, finding escape routes and hiding places as you made your way to a room, you could hear quiet chatter.

You didn't know what to expect when you peeled in through the crack in the door, but you certainly didn't expect to see the spider-man tied up in the middle of the room.

You tense, he was good you knew that. He was really good... something bad must've happened for him to get caught. You snuck into the room, keeping in the corners and shadows hiding more incase there was someone with abilities there.

You crouched in a dark corner and spider seemed aware of your precence. But that didn't matter as long as his captors didn't know.

You sat there for a bit, watching and listening. Turns out a bigger guy caught the spider, but he was out so he had the group of people in the room watching him.

You decided on what to do. You snuck up behind Spider-man, and mimicked claws. You used them to cut the ropes, but you stayed and held them in place so the captors wouldnt see them fall to the floor. You grabbed a mimic flashbang from your inventory and threw it to the other side of the room.

It went off as soon as it hit the concrete wall, causing a loud explosion,  white light and dust to fill the room. Then you dropped the ropes, spider-man immediately jumped up and started pouncing on the captors, tying them up.

You did the same, you caught them all by surprise, using speed you mimicked and handcuffs. you handcuffed their hands and feet, casing them to fall to the floor.

After everything is settled you turn back to normal. You look over and see the spider looking over making sure everyone was secured.

"You okay?"

You ask tilting your head at him, causing him to look at you.

"I'll be fine."

He says starting to walk towards the door buf you beat him and block the way.

"I just saved your ass. What do you say?"

"No you didn't."

"I did"

"Maybe I had a Plan?"

"Too bad, i saved you what do we say."

"No- I'm not-."

"Well then I'll keep bugging you"

"Please no."

"What do we say~?"

"Absolutely not."

"Come on you must be sick of this by now~"

"I have tolerance actually. I work with a lot of annoying people like you so."

"Awh... you think I'm annoying? How cute~"

He blinks at you.


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