Chapter 18

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| Ali Events at Lakewood Atlanta|

Fatima pulled up to the party venue at the same time as Robin and Andi. She took a deep breath before she stepped out of her black BMW. Andi proceeded to get out of her and Robin's Honda Crosstour, as Fatima walked over to the passenger side of her vehicle. Fatima grabbed her purse and then let Jr. out of the car. Andi walked over to Fatima, to help her with Xi and Italy.

Andi : (smiling at Fatima) Hey Ti, you look stunning girl. Your glowing and the body is looking snatched. -she says as she grabs Xi out of his booster seat-

Fatima : (closing her car door) If it isn't my Andi boo. Im trying to keep this figure tight, but we are most definitely starting back up with going to our regular Pilate classes. How are you though, beautiful? - she says to Andi while smiling-

Andi : I'm good Ti. How about yourself? I see you got them Taylor boy's with you. You know I'm down, but let's see if we can get Danni to start back up with Pilate classes. - she says as she laughs, putting Xi down next to her-

Fatima : I'm really good Andi. I'm so happy and thankful for life. I'm at peace and you know that I had to bring my babies with me. As far as Danni, all I have to do is agree to buy her a six months supply of weed. So we're good. (she say's as she shifts Italy in her arms)

Zachary Jr. : (running up to Andi) Auntie Andi, I missed you so much. -he says as he goes to hug her-

Andi : (picking him up, hugging him too) I missed you more. You have to come and see auntie Andi more often. - she says as she puts him down- Look at auntie Andi's chicken nugget. My baby can walk on her own now without anyone's help. (she says as she smiles, looks at Italy in Fatima's arms)

Robin : (walking over to Fatima's car) Hey Ti, you look wonderful. Hey uncle's baby's. - he says as he looks at Italy who is laying on Fatima's chest-

Fatima : Look at brother Robin y'all. (she says as she laughs)

Zachary Jr. : Uncle Robin. - he says excitedly-

Robin : My two favorite little man's in the whole wide world. Come give uncle Rob a hug. -he says smiling as he directs his attention on Xi and Jr.-

Zachary Jr. and Xi went over and hugged Robin. While Fatima continued to hold Italy in her arms.

Fatima : Your going to make me cry again, I cried so many times already. I wanted to hold onto her being my little arm baby forever. I guess Italy said mama I have other plans. She grew up so fast. - she says as she continues to speak to Andi-

Andi : She really did Ti, but I have a question for you. Why does Jr. and Xi's shirts have "big brother" written on them? (she says as she looks at Jr.'s shirt)

Fatima : (laughs) Robin, can you take the boys and Italy inside to my mom? - she says as she looks at Robin- I just want to speak to Andi privately. I won't be long.

Robin : Sure Ti, it's no problem at all. (he says while putting Jr. down, grabbing Italy from Fatima)

Fatima : Thank you brother. (she says smiling)

Robin and the kids went inside of the party venue. Leaving Fatima and Andi the only one's in the parking lot of the event currently. Fatima looked at her promise ring first and she smiled. She looked at Andi and took a deep breath before she started speaking.

Fatima : (smiles at Andi) I have something to tell you, and I know that what I'm about to tell you may seem unexpected. I'm in love with Zachary Taylor and we have been together for six months.

Andi : -screams- FATIMAAAA! I'm so happy for you. I should have known you was getting your back broken in by somebody. Six months is a long time Ti, and you was hiding your relationship this whole time. Whole time my brother was taking you to pound town.

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