When you meet the brothers- Donnie

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You scooped some dog food out of the big bag and ladled it into a bowl. You picked up the food bowl that you just prepared and the water bowl you had gotten earlier.

You made your way out your front door and down the hall to the elevator. You were bringing these bowls out to the stay dog that lived in your alley.

As you made your way out the front door and walked down to the corner, you thought about the dog. It was a small Jack Russell Terrior that was on its last legs. Literally. It only had three legs.

You had run into it a few weeks ago when you were taking out the trash, and you felt so bad. Your apartment complex didn't allow pets, so you had to make do by feeding it every night outside.

You got to the end of the sidewalk, and were about to turn into the alleyway, when you saw the little dog sprint past you, running after a rat. It ran straight out into the road.

You panicked, and stepped forward, but not before you saw a giant... armored bus? Rolling straight towards the dog.

You gasped and dropped the bowls, but you were stuck in one spot, too afraid to move.

Right before your eyes, the dog stopped in front of the bus, and you were so sure it was going to hit the dog.

At the last second, however, the bus managed to swerve out of the way. Only now, it was headed towards you!

You quickly jumped as the bus barreled on right into the alleyway, and almost tipped onto its side as it came to a stop.

Screaming, you ran to the dog that was still in the road. You got down on your knees and gathered the dog into your arms, giving it a big hug.

You slowly picked it up and made your way onto the sidewalk, out of the road. You stood on the sidewalk for a minute, your back to the bus, as you comforted the dog.

"Its ok little guy. Your safe now."

You cood as you petted it gently. A hand reached out behind you and placed itself on your shoulder.

"Hey are you ok?"

It asked, and you turned around with anger in your eyes. You jumped back when you were met with a masked turtle. But this wasn't the same masked turtle that you had met before. This guy's mask was blue.

"Uh yea, we're fine. Just watch the road better next time!"


You heard a voice call out your name behind the blue masked turtle, and you smiled as you saw Donnie.

You ran over to him and gave him a side hug, careful not to drop the dog.

"You know this girl, Donnie?"

A turtle with a red mask asked, crossing his arms. He moved to stand in front of Donnie and you, and so did two other turtles, the one who had talked to you first and another with an orange mask.

"Heh yea. This is actually the girl I was telling you guys about before. This is Y/n."

You nodded and smiled, noticing now that these guys were probably brothers.

"Y/n, these are my brothers. Michaelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo."

"Nice to meet you."

You said, you wanted to hold your hand out but you still had a dog in your arms.

Mikey stepped up and started scratching the dogs head.

"Aww! Whose this little guy?"

"Oh he's just a stray dog, he doesn't have a name."

"Hmm. How about... Shellhound!"

You looked to Donnie, then his two other brothers. They seemed to not want to patronize Mikey, as they were all looking away. You smiled at Mikey, not wanting to bee rude.

"That's a great name! I love it!"

Mikey smiled and gave you a fist bump.

"Knew you would."

Donnie turned to Leo and said something quietly, and Leo turned to look at you.

"Well it was great meeting you Y/n, but we gotta get home soon before our Sensai gets worried."

Leo shook your hand, carefully so that you wouldn't drop the dog you were still holding, and hopped back into the vehicle.

Raph and Mikey followed, leaving you and Donnie. He smiled and petted the dog, before looking away towards the bus.

"Can I give you my number, yknow in case you need my help or anything?"

"Sure Donnie."

And with that, he left. You finally put Shellhound down and went back up to your apartment to get more food. You couldn't help but smile on your walk back.

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