He turns to find Landon and Daphne's daughter, Elizabeth, giving him a sly smile as she massages his bicep.

"Oh, you know, the usual Patriot's catch up." Her father responds.

"Daddy, you always say that when you're discussing something depressing." She rolls her eyes. "You don't even follow football. You despise it."

"Well, honey, if you'd seen the injuries I have, you probably wouldn't follow it either."

"I don't," She responds dryly. "Which was actually quite an issue in my last relationship."

"You're better off without him then." He shrugs.

"You say that about all of her boyfriends, Landon." Professor Green states, walking up.

"True." Landon winks at Professor Brown.

The professor casually swirls his drink in his glass as the doorbell rings.

"Excuse me for a moment."

Professor Green heads towards the door and the three watch her go. Elizabeth is just about to speak when her mom's voice rings out.

"Why, hello, Annie! What a wonderful surprise, so good to see you again."

Hayden stiffens, causing Elizabeth to look at him curiously. His eyes are still on her mother at the front door though. The door widens and Annie steps into the foyer with another girl, their arms laden with dishes. Whereas the other girl is still in their work uniform, Annie is clad in her more casual attire.

As Annie looks up past Professor Green, her eyes meet Hayden's gaze. She stills ever so slightly. The pause is barely noticeable, but it's there.

Blinking repeatedly, Annie looks back to Professor Green, "It's good to see you again too, Professor Green. I have quite a few dishes for you this evenin'. It's my understandin' congratulations are also in order."

"Oh, thank you Annie, you're so kind." Professor Green smiles, "Why don't we take these to the kitchen to get them ready for display. You remember where it is?"

"Yes, ma'am." Annie nods.

"Wonderful, I'll be there in a moment."

Annie and the other girl disappear out of view and Professor Brown stares at the empty spot a moment longer.

"My word, that dress looks like it was handed down three generations and drug through mud a few times." Elizabeth mumbles.

He doesn't bother responding to Elizabeth's intended cruelty as he turns back to the group just as her father steps away to speak to another recent arrival.

"You know her?" she asks.

He takes a larger sip of his scotch, "No. Not really."

"Her accent is so thick her words are almost unintelligible."

"Her words are fine, Elizabeth." He sighs before disentangling himself from her grasp.

"Well, I guess you never did like them to talk much anyways."

"Don't start." The professor's hand tightens around his glass.

She smiles softly at him. "I'm just playing."

"This isn't a game." He says.

"So touchy." She huffs. "Is she a student?"

"No." He grinds out.

He'd inquired to confirm, not that he'd ever admit it and especially not to Elizabeth. She is purposely trying to get a rise out of him, the way she always has when she gets jealous.

Elizabeth was used to being the prettiest girl in the room and often the most intelligent. She didn't take rejection well and she took being second best even less.

It was obvious that Annie, despite being so simple, clearly hit an insecure nerve within Elizabeth. Whether it was Annie, herself, or Hayden's reaction to Annie, he wasn't sure.

"What do you say we dip out of here early?"

Elizabeth had about as much interest in these events as he did. She rarely came unless the event was actually for her, like this evening.

Hayden tilts his head and looks over at her. Once upon a time he'd have taken her up on her offer, but that was years ago. They hadn't been more than acquaintances for the last eight years and he had no interest in her now.

"No." Is the single worded response he gives her. "If you'll excuse me for a moment."

He heads towards the restroom with every intention of avoiding Elizabeth the rest of the evening and, more so, Annie until she leaves.

Given the chance, Elizabeth clearly intended to hit a nerve or three tonight and Annie has already been the unintended recipient of his anger once. It was best not to show her how much of an ass he truly was or could be.

As he passes by the kitchen, though, he stops in his tracks at the sound drifting out the door. Turning, he finds an unexpected sight as Annie shifts back and forth working at the center island. Her dress swishes against her legs as she moves. Her long blond hair in a French braid down the center of her back with delicate wisps that have found their freedom hanging here and there. Her tan, bare shoulders look like silk in the light of the room and an angelic hum of You Are My Sunshine filters around her.

And he steps into the room.

And he steps into the room

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