Chapter One Mals pov

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*so I'm not going to be putting in the song's sorry, photos not mine sorry if blurry*

I took a candy from a baby in front of all my friends and we laughed together and then everyone started running away. This could only mean one thing. My mom. My mom is Maleficent evilest in the land everyone is scared of her. "Hi mom!" I said as I turned around to face her.

"Stealing candy Mal? So disappointed."

"It was from a baby!" I say.

"That's my nasty little girl!" She told me as I laughed a little but she took the candy spat on it and put it under her arm and gave it to one of her guards. "Give it back to the dreadful creature." She demanded.

"Uh mom." I complained.

"It's the detes Mal that make the difference between mean and truly evil!" She said the last part while waving to one of her friends walking by. "When I was your age I was..."
I cut her off.

"Cursing entire kingdoms." I finished for her. She laughed a little.

"Walk with me." She demanded me.

Feeling embarrassed because all my friends were right behind me as I was getting the full on lecture of how to be evil.

"See I'm just, I'm just trying to reach the thing that really counts how to be me." She said with hand jesters.

"I know that and I'll get better at it." I say hopefully then my mom turns around excitedly.

"Oh there's news! I buried the lead! You four have been chosen to go to a different Auradon." She says dreamily as my friends try to run away but mom moms guards stops them.

"What? I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with pricey pink princesses!" I stood my ground and then my friends stood their ground, well except for Evie.

"And perfect princes!" She day dreamed but I gave her a -what the heck- look. "Ugh!"

"I don't do uniforms endless it's leather feeling me?" Jay stood his ground and also asked Carlos but he ignored him.

"I read somewhere they allow dogs in Auradon, mom said their wild pack animals who eat boys who don't behave." Carlos said sounded worried.

"Woof!" Jay teased and Carlos jumped back.

"Yea mom we're not going!" I topped it off.

"Oh you think it's small pumpkin but it's all about world domination!" My mom turned around and called her guards. "Knuckle heads! And then called me in her sing song voice. "Mal!" I turned around to my friends giving them a nervous look but to en followed my mom who told us what we need to do. Great another lecture! She's pure evil! "You will go you. You will find the fairy godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand. Easy peasy." She said as she was filing down her nails.

"What's in it for us?" I ask.

"Matching thrones, hers and hers crowns." She said sarcastically.

"I think she meant us." Carlos said as I did a hand motion but my mom then threw her nail file and gave me a finger motion to come closer so I did.

"Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" She asked.

"Yea I mean who doesn't?" I asked sarcastically in return.

"Then bring me the wand! And you and I can see that and so much more! And with that wand and my scepter I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" She explained.

"Our will." Evil Queen corrected and then Quilla De'vil pointed and Jay and Jafar just looked over.

"Our will. Our will." My mom said and then snapped her fingers to get my attention again. "And if you refuse your ground for the rest of your life missy." She then winked.

"Wha? Mom!" I complained but she closed her hand in front of me so I stopped and then we had a staring contest and of course she won but I was trying so hard. "Fine! Whatever." I said annoyed.

"I win!" My mom said as she looked up.

"Evie! My little Evil-ette in training, you just find yourself a prince with a big castle! And a mother in law wing. And lots and lots..." Evie cut off her mom.

"Of mirrors!" Evie said day dreaming again while laughing this time.

"No laughing! Wrinkles!" Evil Queen demanded and Evie looked panicked now.

"Well their not taking my Carlos because I would miss him too much." Quilla De'Vil said.

And Carlos answered his mom in shock and hopefulness."Really mom?"

"Yes! Who would touch up my roots? Fluff my fur and scrape the bunions off my feet?"

"Maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst." Carlos mumbled with all his shock and hopefulness gone.

"Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon." Quilla explained and the worries of Carlos were back.

"Oh no I'm not going!" Carlos stated.

"Uh!" Mom sighed.

"Well Jay isn't going either! I need him to stock the shelves in my store!" Jafar declared.

"Evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow hm?" Evil Queen asked Evie.

"What is wrong with you all? People used to cower at the mention of our names!" My mom yelled as I sat down scared to see my mom angry and if their is one person on the isle you do not want to make angry it's my mother.

"For twenty years I have searched for a way of this island! For twenty years they have robes us from our revenge! Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men!" My mom said as she pointed at Evil Queen.

"Oww." Evil Queen expressed.

"Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated Genie!"

"I WILL!" Jafar started but Jay held him back.


"Revenge on every sneaky Dalmatian that that escaped your clutches!"

"Oh. But they didn't get Baby! They didn't get the.." Quilla laughed then squeezed her dog toy as Carlos stood back looking embarrassed. "They didn't get the baby!"

"And I! Maleficent evilest of them all, I will will finally have my revenge on Sleeping Beauty and her relentless little prince." My mom declared then snapped "Villains!" Causing Evil Queen and Jafar to reply with "yes" While my mom looked over her shoulder at Evil Queen. "Our day has come! EQ. Give her the magic mirror."

"Yea." Evil Queen said and then gave Evie the mirror.

"This is your magic mirror?" Evie asks sarcastically.

"Yea, well, it ain't what is used to be but then again, neither are we!" Evil Queen said causing herself and my mom to laugh. "It will help you find things."

"Like a prince!" Evie dreamed again.

"Like my waistline." Evil Queen said.

"Like the magic wand! Hello!" My mom snapped.

"Hello!" Evil Queen said.

"My spell book! My book! I need my...that book!" My mom said looking around and then Evil Queen snapped her fingers. "Oh! Ah! The safe! The safe! Queen help me! I never can figure this thing out!"

Evil Queen opened the safe for my mom and said. "Voila!"

"My spell...come darling come!" My mom called for me and I got up out of my seat and came. "Ah! Ooh! Ooh!" My mom said when she touched the book and had it in her hands. "There she is. It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon." My mom explained to me. "Remember, when we were spreading evil and ruining lives?"

"Like it was yesterday!" Evil Queen said.

"And now. You will be making your own memories." My mom said as she almost handed me the book but snatched it back away. "By doing exactly as I tell you." Then handed it to me for real this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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