While Pitch was in his office, Jack stood his post with a goofy smile on his face. Soon enough, his first customer walked up. Although this guy was already in the shop. The man he had seen in the shop yesterday that was dressed in all yellow, typing away at his computer, walked up to the counter.

He was wearing yellow jacket and mustard colored pants; clearly he had no fashion sense.

Standing much taller than Jack, the man sneered disdainfully at him before moving his hands in very fast motions. Clearly he was not expecting Jack to know sign language.

"Umm yeah, I can get that ready for ya'!" Either Jack hadn't noticed the mean look the man had shot at him or he just didn't care to acknowledge it because he kept his voice as cheerful as he could. The mustard man looked surprised before moving his hands again, the sneer falling off of his face.

'You can understand sign language?' He signed out. Jack nodded as he prepared the man his mocha monster frappe.

"Yeah, my baby sister was born deaf so I had to learn it to speak with her." Jack explained sitting the latte on the counter.

"That'll be three o' six, mister." Mustard man pulled out a four and stared at Jack in wonder. Most kids his age thought it was cool to learn foreign languages like French, or German. It was a wonder to find a place where he didn't have to write down his order. Jack handed him his change and thanked him for ordering. The man grinned at him before signing once more.

'What is your name?' Jack laughed, glad that the man had escaped his bad attitude.

"I'm Jack Frost! What's yours?" Mustard man blushed and asked for a piece of paper. Jack handed him a post-it and a pen. With a wobbly hand the man quickly scribbled on it before handing it to Jack. The post-it read: 'My name's Sanderson Mansnoozie, but you can call me Sandy.'

Jack beamed up Sandy, looking delighted to make a new friend.

"Nice to meet you Sandy!" Sandy did a mock bow before walking back to his table with his ice cold frappe in hand. He was surprised at how cold it was, usually it was already starting to melt by the time it was handed to him. He shrugged his shoulders and decided not to question his luck.

Several more customers came and went in his time at the register but none of them were very talkative. Several girls had tried flirting with him but he didn't have the heart to tell them he didn't swing their way. By the time his shift had ended Pitch still hadn't left his office and Sandy was still typing, obviously unaware of the time. Jack began to make his way over to Sandy just as Pitch exited his office.

Pitch watched in horror as Jack approach Sandy. He stood stock still, unable to warn Jack about the man's disastrous temper. Pitch treated the scene like a train crash, he wanted to look away but he just kept staring. Jack tapped Sandy on the shoulder, yawning a bit as he did so. Sandy looked up with a glare on his face that could kill, but realizing it was only Jack he offered a smile.

"Hey Sandy, it's time to close up shop." Jack explained, treating Sanderson like he was an old friend he had know for years. Sandy looked down at the time on his computer a hand flew up to his face in shock. He had never stayed here so long, he had just gotten so caught up in his writing that he hadn't even realized how late it had gotten. While he saved his work and logged off his laptop, Jack looked on in awe.

"Wow, so are you like a writer?" Sandy smiled at the genuine interest Jack seemed have in his work. Sandy nodded, his blonde hair bobbing along with him.

'I'm in the middle of a fantasy children's novel at the moment actually.' He signed enthusiastically. Pitch looked on in amazement. The last time he had worked the register, Sanderson had glared at him the whole time and angrily shoved his order at him. Now Sandy seemed to be having a nice conversation with Jack while they walked towards the door. Pitch joined them at the door.

"So you'll be here tomorrow then?" Jack asked, getting a head bob in return as Sandy made his way down the street.

"Well, seems you had a good day today then?" Pitch questioned, smirking over at Jack.

"Yeah, and I'm sure tomorrow will be even better!" Jack responded with more energy than anyone should have after a six hour shift. Pitch walked over to his car and paused to see if Jack would walk over to Nicholas' shop again, but Jack got strait into his car not even sparing the other cafe a glance.

Jack jumped into his car and grabbed his phone. He would feel safer if he had it with him at least, just in case North had found out he worked over at Pitch's shop too. Pitch drove off and Jack stepped out of his car, checking the messages on his phone. He had four missed calls and five new texts, all from Loki.

He frowned. Why would Loki try contacting him this much? Had something happened? Jack checked the text and grew steadily concerned.

'Jack call me.'

'Jack, I need to talk with you.'

'Call me.'

'Watch yourself. Call me.' Deciding he could be a few minutes late, Jack dialed Loki's number.

"Jack! I needed to tell you don't liste-" Loki's voice ended abruptly and Jack stared down at his phone in confusion. His phone had gone black and the battery sign was flashing red.

"Great, just what I needed." He threw his phone back in the car and locked the door, tightening the strings on his hoodie as he made his way across the street and towards the ever flashing green and red of the Christmas cafe.

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