Trials of Apollo - Part Two

Start from the beginning

Percy played it off cool, but he was blushing. "It's not a big deal."

"Uh, yes it is. Pollux owes me 30 drachmas."


"He said the day that you actually pay attention in Greek History Class is the day that he gives me 30 drachmas - well, there was another part of that bet but that's just between him and I."

"I get at least half of that since it's me you're betting on."

"What's yours is mine and what's mine is yours, Aquaman."

And he kissed her cheek before Apollo brought the conversation back to his favourite topic. Himself.

"The last two times this happened, also weren't by choice. The first time, we had a little rebellion in Olympus. We tried to overthrow Zeus."

Both of the older demigods scoffed.

"Yeah, that didn't go so well for you and my dad," Percy said and Cressida marvelled at her boyfriend.

"See, now you just have to pay attention to all the information in your textbooks and your tests will be cake."

"I plan on it. I have a birthday surprise on the line."

And Apollo started talking again. "I got most of the blame, naturally. Oh, and your father, Poseidon. We were both cast down to earth as mortals, forced to serve Laomedon, the king of Troy. He was a harsh master. He even refused to pay us for our work!"

Meg nearly choked on her sandwich. "I have to pay you?"

"Oh, no you don't, sweetie," Cressida said. "Service to you is the least the gods can do after everything that's happened. And if he does send you a bill, know where we live."

"Never fear," Apollo said nervously. "I won't be presenting you with a bill. But as I was saying, the second time I became mortal, Zeus got mad because I killed some of his Cyclopes."

Percy frowned. "Dude, not cool. My brother is a Cyclops."

"These were wicked Cyclopes! They made the lightning bolt that killed one of my sons!"

Meg bounced on the arm of the sofa. "Percy's brother is a Cyclops? That's crazy!"

"Tyson is just the sweetest one you ever will meet. He's a General in Poseidon's armies but he is such a teddy bear," Cressida assured her. "And he loves me more."

"It's not a competition who my relatives love more," Percy protested.

"You're right because it's not a competition when I win every time," she beamed, and Meg decided that she really liked Cressida Lynn.

"At any rate," Apollo huffed. "I was bound to Admetus, the king of Thessaly. He was a kind master. I liked him so much, I made all his cows have twin calves."

"Can I have baby cows?" Meg asked.

"Well, Meg," Apollo said, "first you would have to have some mommy cows. You see—"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," Cressida cut off.

"So, just to recap, you have to be Meg's servant for...?"

"Some unknown amount of time," Apollo said as he answered Percy's question. "Probably a year. Possibly more."

"And during that time—"

"I will undoubtedly face many trials and hardships."

"Like getting me my cows," Meg said, and Cressida laughed.

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