the Game

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Y/n POV 

i woke up this morning and took a shower. i then got changed into 

i then go to eat breakfast and everyone else is there eating waffles, sausages, eggs and toast. i sit down ad eat with them. 

after eating breakfast with them i went to my stylist her name is Emily

she ushered me inside and made me put on black leggings with some kind of insolation, and then a tin long sleeve shirt made with the same material as the leggings, then she gave me thick hiking boots that are lined with fur. then she gave me a large fur coat. " Dondequiera que vaya debe ser bastante frío" i said the coat was thick and it kind of restricted my movement which wasn't good. she put some fingerless gloves on me and an ear warmer over my ears. after that she put a pair of goggles over the Ear warmers. and then she tied a belt around my waist and pulled up my sleeve placing a hair tie around my wrist.and then she sent me up.

Time skip to before the games are over (A/N: you and Andrew became like the best of friends and then you became friends with Parker you three made it to the final three and Parker killed Andrew)


i pounced onto parker knocking the air out of him i pull out my knife and started cutting him in different places and then i stabbed him in the thigh. i then tie him up and stab him in the chest and threw him of the mountain.

 i finally got home after 20 days. The first thing i did when i got back home was go to see Annie and Mags. 

and then lived my life peacfully until the 75th Hunger Games that is.

- 300 words is a little less and besides that we are getting to the better parts ill try my best to make it longe and please comment becouse i feel like no one is reading this

jewels in the forest a Marvel Sanford x Reader (The Hunger Games)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora