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Lynna's POV

I was driving home from work, not having to drive Frankie anymore. She had got her car back a few days ago. I was planning on spending the night relaxing with Sergio.

I jumped when my phone vibrated in the cup holder, the called ID reading 'Frankie.'

"What's up?" I responded, curious as to what made her want to call.

"Okay, party tonight. You're going."

"Frank, no, I don't want to go to a party." I groaned, feeling my plans die.

"You have to go, I need someone with me." She said, her voice pitiful. "It's Delaney's, it's not like we have to drive across town."

"I don't know." I said, debating it. "You think they'll be there?"

"Of course, you'll only go if your boy goes." She laughed. "But, I don't know, I could ask Jake."

"I'll ask, but yes, I guess I'll go." I said, earning a cheer from her. "Who knows, maybe even Sammy will show up."

"Stop it." She spat. "You're not even remotely funny."

"Okay, I'll stop." I said. "Unless you would like to share something about your Sammy boy."

"Goodbye." She said, the call abruptly ending. I laughed, loving getting under her skin. I went to call Josh, impatiently waiting for him to pickup.

"Hey." He answered, his voice sounding excited.

"Hi." I smiled, once again remembering he couldn't see my smile.

"I was just about to call you, I have a feeling for the same thing."

"You are probably correct." I said. "Frankie just talked me into going to Delaney's party, so I wanted to see if you were going too."

"Just so happens I am." He said. "We all are, Danny and Sammy."

"Well, thank god, because I really wasn't looking forward to going." I said.

"Jeez, you really depend on me that much?" He said, the cockiness laced in his voice.

"Don't get all stupid." I said. "I can always decide to stay home."

"And, I can always go down to your apartment, it's almost like we live in the same place."

"I'll lock the door."

"I'll get Frankie's key." I couldn't think of how else to keep him out of my house, not that I wanted to anyways.

"I'll see you in a couple hours." I said, deciding to end that.

"See ya." Josh said. "Goodbye, my dear, Lynna."

"Goodbye, Josh." I laughed. I ended the call, fairly excited for tonight.

"Which looks better, this or this?" I asked, holding two tops in front of Frankie.

"You look hot in both." She said. I gave her a look so that she knew it wasn't helpful. "Okay, I think Josh would find the second one hot."

"I hate you." I said, but moving to put the first option down, making her laugh at me.

"Oh, my dear, dear, Joshua." She said, sounding just as dramatic as he does. "I must admit, I am madly in love with you Lynna."

"I wish you could hear how ridiculous you sound." I said, fighting to put the top on.

"I wish you could hear how delusional you sound!" She cried. "You have to do something before they leave."

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