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Lynna's POV

I was laid out on my couch, doing absolutely nothing. I had been bored out of mind, all day. Frankie was visiting her sister in another town. I would've went out and done something, but it was cold and rainy. I wasn't in the mood to get wet and cold today. So, my day consisted of catching up on movies I needed to watch.

It was startling when my phone sounded, meaning someone was calling me. I assumed it'd be Frankie, but I was quite wrong. It was Josh.

"Hello?" I answered, confused.

"Hey, Lynn." Josh said. "Have you ate dinner yet?"

"No, why?" I was curious as to what this was leading to.

"You know that hibachi food truck?"

"Yes, I love their food." I said. I truly did, it was amazing food.

"Okay, great. What do you want?" He asked. I decided to trust him for once, not ask questions. I told him what I usually got, him repeating it multiple times to remember. He ended it by telling me he'd be at my apartment in a few minutes.

I rushed around, picking up anything I could. I practically ran to my mirror, fixing any last minute things I could. I chose not to change, knowing Josh wasn't one to judge. I tried not to worry myself about whatever was going to happen. It was odd, the last minute ordeal. I liked to have things planned out, so this was out of my comfort zone.

The knock soon came at my door, him calling out.

"It's Josh!"

"Coming!" I called, rushing over to my locked door. I opened the door to reveal Josh smiling, holding up the bag of food, which smelled really good. I backed up, allowing him to enter my apartment.

"I know this was rather last minute." He said, setting the bag on the counter. "But, I have my reasoning."

"Do tell." I laughed. This was amusing, not for any particular reason, maybe it was the eager look on his face.

"Well, I was at the food truck, about to go home and eat all by myself. Then, I remembered you." He smiled as he explained. "I remembered you saying Frankie was out of town, and Jake's busy as well. I figured, why not just get you food, and then we can hangout together so that neither of us are lonely."

"I have to admit, that is a very good idea." I said.

"See? I knew you'd like it." He smiled. "I was so bored, I was driving myself crazy."

"Same, but it wouldn't be half bad if the weather was a bit better." I said, helping him unpack the food.

"It is rather dreary out there. I usually like days like this, but I could not focus on anything." He said. "I tried reading, but it didn't work."

"I did too, then I spilled my tea on the book, just about ruining the whole day." I said, still bitter about that.

"I would've loved to see that." He smiled. "I'm sure you were just the happiest person ever."

"Oh, I was thrilled." I laughed. We dug into our food, I was pretty hungry so it was very satisfactory. It was so sweet he actually thought of me, and genuinely wanted to hangout with me.

It was also funny to watch him eat his food, it kept dripping down his chin. He was really struggling with it. We talked about anything possible, he somehow found the wildest things to talk about.

"Where's that cat of yours?" Josh asked, looking around.

"I don't know." I shrugged, not worried about it.

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