The Unknown World

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In an unknown planet, Y/N's ship has crashed landed as he checks to see if R7 is alright.

Y/N: "R7, are you alright?"

R7-57: "Beep boop beep."

Y/N: "That's good. I'm going outside to check the surroundings."

R7-57: "Beep boop."

Y/N heads outside to see a forest as Y/N checks his surroundings. Then he feels happy that he can't believe that he and R7 made it to the planet as R7 came out of the ship.

Y/N: "Can't believe we made, R7. A place that will be safe those who are hunted by the Empire."

R7-57: "Beep boop."

Then Y/N saw something as he and R7 walks towards the edge of the cliff and looks to see a town and some sort of castle.

Y/N: "Come on, R7. Maybe we should go there, and figure out what this planet is. And maybe they can help fix our ship."

R7-57: "Beep boop."

So Y/N uses his cloak to cover his body and puts his hood up as he and R7 head towards the castle. Inside a school called Ever After High, a student name Raven Queen is putting stuff in her locker as she shuts it.

Raven: "I finally get to choose my own destiny."

???: "Raven!"

Someone got Raven attention as she to see her friend Madeline Hatter.

Raven: "Oh, hey Maddie."

Madeline: "Did you hear the news? Something came down from the sky. Like (falling from the sky noises)."

Raven: "Wait, what? What was it?"

Madeline: "I don't know, but it was madness. (Giggles). How does it feel to follow your destiny?"

Raven: "It is enchanting. I feel free to do what I want. But let's hope that things will go well."

Then they see some students are heading outside so Raven and Madeline followed them to see what's going on. Meanwhile, Y/N and R7 heads towards the castle as Y/N looks at a sign that says "Ever After High".

Y/N: "Ever After High. So this castle is school. Let's hope someone in charge knows about the planet."

He said as he and R7 head towards the entrance.

???: "Halt! You will not go further bandit!"

Y/N and R7 stopped as Y/N looks to see a blonde boy name Daring Charming as he holds a sword and shield. Then Raven and Madeline came outside as they see Apple White, Briar Beauty, and Blondie Loches.

Raven: "What's going on?"

Briar: "Some guy just walk in to town, and came here."

She said as Blondie is doing her mirror cast.

Blondie: "Blondie Loches here come to you live where a bandit came in to town as Daring Charming came to save the day."

Y/N: "I don't want to fight you. I just want some answers."

Daring: "I'll will not be falling your tricks bandit, and you will not harm anyone."

Apple: "My hero."

Daring isn't going to listen, so Y/N holds his lightsaber just in case.

Y/N: "Last chance. Surrender."

Daring still wasn't buying it, so Y/N left him no choice.

Y/N: "Very well."

He said he takes out his crossguard lightsaber as the students are confused and he activates it as a green blade appeared, and two small blades coming out of the vents which made Daring and the students surprised. Then Y/N uses the force to pull Daring and cuts his sword. This surprised Daring and the students as Y/N puts his lightsaber blade close to Daring's neck.

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